A Hug from a stranger...

by Sentinel 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sentinel

    Yesterday was an odd day for me. I have been having an ongoing attack of my Fibromyalgia, supplemented by IBS. I was home from work and trying to just hang out and relax, when I decided it would be a good thing to go to the local "Hair Cuttery" and get a wash and trim. That always is so relaxing and I rarely manage to do that for myself.

    I was feeling a bit down and the gal that did my hair must have picked up on it. She was quite a bit older than me and in conversation, we got around to families, doctors, etc. So I told her about my husband's upcoming operation for his Bronchigenic Cyst. I didn't go into detail--just told her it was serious, and that the stress of everything was causing my own ailments to bother me.

    When I left, this stranger looked at me, then gave me a warm and sincere hug and said "everything will be okay". That embrace made me feel so wonderful. It was unusual, but at the same time, exceptionally perceptive of her to sense that is what I needed most. I needed love and compassion.

    Has anything like this ever happened to you?


  • lisavegas420

    That was so sweet....it makes me think of this saying....

    Everyday you should reach out and touch someone People love a warm hug or a friendly pat on the back. People will forget what you say, and what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel.


  • Sentinel

    You are so right about that! Our society has gotten away from touching because of the improper sexual thing going on. But touch is very important. It carry's with it more than a word ever could. Human touch is actually life-saving as well. Infants that are premature must be touched. It has been proven that even the touch of a hand through the incubator sleeves aids them in surviving. Also people in coma's do sense touch even though they have no way of responding, their heart rate, etc. shows they "know".

    Sometimes, nothing at all needs to be said. The embrace, the hand on the shoulder, the touch of a hand is all that is needed. Perhaps we carry more power inside us than we even realize.


  • reboot

    Sentinal....((( poor you ))) I love these life affirming moments..they always really touch you, don't they? Hope your husband's operation goes well...

    I had a moment like this last year when I was on the beach...started playing with a lone dog, throwing stones for it into the sea, it dashed in time after time and brought them back to me..a guy appeared much later and introduced himself as the dogs owner; we chatted about the dog for a while then sat, really close without that usual feeling of personnal space invasion...and fell silent just watching the sea for a long time.When he got up to leave he said 'we'll both be fine, you know' and left.I'm at that beach nearly everyweekend-but i've never seen him again.

  • Sassy

    Well my hair dresser ended up being a very close friend of mine......and it started just in a shop...

    so I guess in a way that has happened to me..

    Sorry you were having a down day.. Glad someone in person could give you a real hug..

  • morty


    So sorry to hear you are feeling down....The only experence I ever had was when, my papa was slowly passing in the hospital....I flew to the hospital that he was in, and stayed by his side till he passed..He himself was an elder for many years, and when people came to see him in the hospital, I was ignored by them. They were brothers and sisters of his borg.When he finally passed, no one really held me, and told me how sorry they were but, there was a nurse that took notice to what was going on, and hugged me and told me that it was ok.. I bawled like a baby in her arms, and to this day, when I think of pop's, I always think of that wonderful nurse...Such a small gesture goes a long way

    I do hope that you are feeling better soon, and that everything goes well for your husbands surgery.

    Love Morty

  • BluesBrother

    Has it ever happened to me ? , No but i'm still hopin'

    seriously though I quite agree with

    Sometimes, nothing at all needs to be said. The embrace, the hand on the shoulder, the touch of a hand is all that is needed. Perhaps we carry more power inside us than we even realize.

    Here, at least there is a a reserve that stops us reaching out, even to those we know quite well . That is a pity . At least on line I can say (((((((Sentinal))))))))) and I wont be missunderstood. Here is hoping that your problems improve.

  • bikerchic
    Has anything like this ever happened to you?

    Yes it has. Several months after I had left my X and was on my own totally for the first time in my life ever my Chiropractor after doing the usual adjustments on me, I did my usual putting on my shoes and getting ready to leave when he motioned for me to sit down. He said "lets talk, okay?" He looked in my eyes and began to talk about me taking better care of myself and not overworking, then he put his arm around my shoulder and that was all it took for me I began to sob and as hard as I tried to stop I couldn't.

    I bordered on total embarrassment to feeling such a relief. You know how tears make men just want to flee, well he stayed and just held me while I cried for what seemed to be 10 minutes or forever. Anyway he was the first person in several months that really understood what I needed at that time. He even said, "you needed a good cry, and you need to take care of yourself and get some rest." He was/is a good guy and always took time with his patients a rare thing these days.

    Sometimes, nothing at all needs to be said. The embrace, the hand on the shoulder, the touch of a hand is all that is needed. Perhaps we carry more power inside us than we even realize.

    That is so true Sentinel and something to never forget also something to payback whenever you get the chance. It does wonders!

    ((((((((((((((((((Sentinel)))))))))))))))))) I know a cyber-hug isn't the same but I hope you can feel the energy behind the typing.


  • zion sleeping
    zion sleeping

    I see you live in VA., I use to live in Hampton, Va. A few years back. Victorial blvd cong. is it still there???

  • Sentinel

    Thanks everyone!! I felt your hugs and I allowed myself to be wrapped in them. Today I am feeling better physically and emotionally. I'm glad it passed quickly for me this time. My body doesn't deal with stress too well, even though I think I am, apparently, I'm not.

    I enjoyed reading everyone's touching experiences. Sometimes, I do believe we are "touched by angels". Strangers who appear out of nowhere to help us along, and then are gone....Other times, people we don't know, seem to know what we need more than even our closest family or friends. It is odd, isn't it?

    Zion, I'm sorry I don't know about the congregation in Hampton. I moved to Virginia in '83, and had already stopped going to meetings back in Maryland a couple years prior. Hampton is part of the Virginia Beach area and that is about four and a half hours drive south of here. I'm in Northern Virgina, just outside of DC.

    I had a good day today, and am looking forward to beginning a new work week tomorrow. Taking that time from work really did help me though. I tend to put myself last on the list. Makes me think that retirement will be kind of nice when I reach that place. Even if I work, it won't be to the tune of a full-time schedule.

    I love you all so much!


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