Funny thing at work

by czarofmischief 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    Yep, my inner revolutionary struck again, yesterday at work.

    Some little twerp comes up and tells me, "You have no sugar." Well, duh. Really? I hadn't noticed, I mean, I've only been living inside this coffee shop for four days now, you're telling me that we have no sugar? Wow.

    I inform him that we have no sugar. He goes and sits down.

    Now, the man from the bar across the street comes over and lends us a little sugar. Great. I fill a couple shakers, put them out, and huzzah, we have sugar.

    Now the twerp once again rises, like the Kraken from the deep, and asks me again if we have any sugar. I tell him, yes, we now do, it's over on the condiment stand. Okay, fine. He turns, walks over.

    Now it gets tetchy - for he bursts in while I'm trying to help another customer, and shouts, "YOU HAVE NO SUGAR! ZERO! GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF!"

    I look at the condiment stand, where the ivory pillar of pounded sucrose from Jamaica sits, gleaming and joyful in the twilight, and say, "Dude, I don't know what to tell you, I'm looking right at it."

    Whereupon another customer leaps in and hands the twerp the sugar. The twerp later apologized. which was cool.

    Moral of the story: If a moron ye must be, an asshole try to avoid being.


  • Elsewhere

    What is sad is that moron's usually don't know they are.

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