!!!!!Warning!!!! BBQ's Melt??!!!!!!

by calamityjane 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • calamityjane

    Well since Thunder has started the thread on Sheila's latest caper and the buckwheat pillow I thought I'd add our family dilemma that happened this weekend.

    xjw_b12 was put in charge of starting our barbeque for Steaks on Saturday. I have told him in the past ('and of course, like the typical husband doesn't listen to what the wifey pooh is saying") that I noticed flames coming out of the bottom of the barbeque which I realized through past lightings you then have to make sure the "venturi" connects with the "regulator control" as there is massive amounts of gas being released and you have these major flames coming out of the bottom of the barbeque.

    So he goes out to start the BBQ that day, lets it go for about 15 minutes and then goes out with the steaks, notices a little bit more flame than usual but ignores it. I thought everything was fine until he came in and told me that the barbeque was burning a little on the slow side and the steaks would take a little longer. I thought, "no way". I took a look outside and knew exactly what was happening, there were flames that totally engulged the bottom of the barbeque, and scurried down just in time to shut off the gas as the bottom of the barbeque was melting like sodder.

    So I then reminded him again of the venturi connection and regulator. Attached it myself with an oven mitt, restarted the bbq and had supper about 1/2 hour later.

    Yes I am now running for cover as when he reads this he's going to throttle me


  • Valis

    bwahaha here we go again! *LOL* poor bastard just can't get a break to save his username! *LOL* bwahahah there is something right in the Universe...bwahahahah


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    uh oh.....

    we are getting a bbq soon.. we will keep that in mind..

    (Sassy won't touch the part about men not listening)

  • xenawarrior
    xjw_b12 was put in charge

    hehehe. CJ - don't do that anymore !!

  • calamityjane

    xjw has no idea that I have posted this thread. He will wake up to this tomorrow morning when he logs in at work.

    I will make sure I am out of shouting range.




  • avishai

    That's what you get for having a wussy gas BBQ!!!!!

    *runs for cover as women and cooking instruments are dangerous*

  • aunthill

    My dearly beloved, Mr. Aunthill, does ALL the BBQing. I'm not even sure how to light the bloomin' thing, connected to the gas line and all. I guess I'm the female equivalent of xjw_b12 - or maybe worse!

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Too funny CJ

    You really must hava a talk with the boy. Creating a hostile enviroment for steaks is surely a punishable offense.

    Excuse me while I shake the buckwheat hulls out of my freshly laundered socks.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Englishman

    Golly! Gas-fired barbies. Whatever next.

    Charcoal! Charcoal!


  • calamityjane

    What! Englishman you don't have gas barbies there? I love to barbeque with charcoal but it takes too long.

    Our next barbeque will be a nice stainless steel natural gas model.

    We'll be getting it sooner than I expected to though. There's quite a big hole in the bottom of this one now. It looked like melting lava.

    I'm glad our deck didn't go up in flames

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