Rejection is the key to success or, Why you must suffer to win!

by Maverick 4 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    Rejection! You need it. You must have it. You can't win without it!

    These statments should not be too far fetched for Jehovah's Witnesses. After all we got slapped with it every time we went door to door. We learned to take the hit and move on. For me it was not personal. I told myself that those people did not even know ME. If they did they would like me. It was Jehovah (WTS) that they were rejecting.

    When I meet people to give them an estimate for my services my attitude is that it is my job unless the people fail the interview. After all, why wouldn't they want me to work my magic on their home? I am always surprised if they don't have me do the work. And my closure rate is about 85%.

    In dealing with the fairer sex I feel the same way. If they get to know me they will like me. How can they not? The key is getting them to know me. They won't get to that point unless I put myself out there and show me to them. The down side is the dreaded monster...rejection. More precisely the fear of rejection. Who wants to look or feel stupid? So the dilemma, do you sit home in front of the TV or do you risk rejection to go out with some fine lady? I think it is a no-brainer. If you do nothing you are guranteeing an evening without the glow of a womans presence. But if you approach and are then rebuffed you will sit home alone, or you may get to have an evening out and have some fun.

    The upside of putting yourself in line for rejection out ways the downside of not even going there in the first place. Why? Because you are rejecting YOURSELF! Make the girl do it dummy! And with each rejection learn something! Babe Ruth was Pro Baseballs home run king for years but he also held the record for strikeouts! Do most people remember that? The more rejection you endure the more success you will have. The greater the rejection, the greater the rewards. Why do you think movies stars and pro athletes are paid so much money. How would you like the whole world to know how your job went last week and critique your preformance?

    So get out there and face those fears! And with each "NO!" learn something. And remember rejection is good! Like your Daddy used to say, "It builds character!" Maverick

  • Sunnygal41
    Like your Daddy used to say, "It builds character!"

    My daddy never said that...........his mouth was too full of some sort of alcoholic beverage to get anything that intelligent out!

    But, you're point is well, this is a pep talk for the guys, Mav?

    Guys, he's right. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But, if you do like to sit home and enjoy your space, that's okay too.


  • Xena

    Tis true, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I have to admit I feel for men sometimes though, rejection sucks!

  • blondie

    Rejection is inevitable. It is impossible for everyone to like us all the time.


  • Maverick

    Where are the guys? Where are the men?

    See ladies! The guys don't even want to come here. Say the word REJECTION and they duck for cover!

    The few, and I mean very few, who understand how rejection works-get the girls!

    Bunch of ...oh never mind! Maverick

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