My homies are the best people on Earth.

by Insomniac 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insomniac

    The charity fundraiser that honey-bunny and I hold every year for the Make-a-Wish Foundation is done, except for a little bookkeeping. Usually folks think of fundraisers as a bunch of rich people attending a luncheon at the country club, but we like to target the "other" America:

    The event was held at a bar, and got a bit rowdy (much drunkenness, some debauchery, a little nudity) but it raised a healthy amount of money for the kids. One of my volunteers started drinking at 9am and began exposing herself for anyone who put money in her bucket. Later she called my boyfriend a very rude name when he refused to let her do her Monica Lewinsky imitation for him in a bathroom stall.

    Oh, well. Our motto is "It's for the children, dammit!" and the good working class people of this town once again showed how very generous and kind they can be. Most of them work hard for little money, so every dollar they gave represented a sacrifice in their lives. I wish I could hug each and every one of them, they are all so cool.

    Now that it's over, honey-bunny and I are going to sink into a very deep sleep, cuz we're sorta tired from all the fun. Cheers, all!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I attend the "make a wish" foundation charity dinners every year here on Long Island. It is sponsered by Sandy Chapin ( wife of Harry Chapin, the deceased Singer). The dinner parties are usually held at the local Country Club; and attended by the local country club types. I have NEVER seen one like you describe.... I guess Maine has more exciting people ( and I wager that if you were not at that party, your boyfriend would have been delighted to see her Monica Lewinsky routine!)

    a true New York perspective, Frank

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    You've come a long way from painting your toilet black... heheheh. Glad you raised a lot of money for the foundation!


  • Insomniac

    Hello again. I was really tired when I posted this. I should point out that Make-a-Wish is a very wholesome organization. They did not organize this event, my crew and I did, and then turned over the money. While it did get sort of PG-rated as the day wore on, this was entirely unplanned on our part, and in the future we will likely do a better job of supervising that volunteer, if in fact we use her at all.

    Franklin, Mainers are a rowdy lot; you should see what fun we have with New York tourists every summer! And, noooo, honey-bunny is not interested in drunken favors from an older chick with suspicious sores on her lip. No disrespect is meant to older posters here, but it's just not his cup of tea.

    Country Girl-extra points for remembering that godawful potty, which I've spent several years trying to erase from my memory!What the heck was I thinking?

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