ratio of hours to converts in preaching work

by og 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • og

    Has anyone worked out recently how many hours of door-to-door work is being done in the U.S. per new convert? I've seen this figure before, and would like to use it in a little essay I'm writing.

    Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

  • badboy

    I believe some1 has,something like 1,000 of hours required.

  • blondie


    The above is also an interesting ste re JW stats.

  • Maverick

    Well, if you factor in the 9 months of pregnancy, then the 12 or 13 years of raising the child, this has to really shew the numbers (between 113,000 and 114,000 hours). Plus if you factor in the ones that leave,(-113,000 or 114,000 hours) for every one raised a dud. So you need to find the ratio of "truth babies" to worldy converts, factor in the ones that leave, account for the phantom hours and the coffee breaks....er....how many giga-bites do you have on your hard drive?

    What I want to know is, How many coffee beans does it take to keep the JW's in service each day? Maverick

  • Aaac

    The Ratio of Hours to Baptized in US: 6079

    Canada: 8309

    UK: 7070

    Australia: 6385

    Germany: 6985

    France: 7644

    Italy: 9367

    Spain: 8908

    Japan 27286

    Korea: 14254.

    Source: http://www.freakypixel.com/service_year/newMap.asp

  • Maverick

    Am I the only person who gave a serious answer to this question? Maverick

  • og

    No, Maverick, you weren't. That honor belongs to Aaac.

    Thanks Aaac!

  • Maverick

    og you need to see my other tread! Maverick

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    AS we see, determination of JW productivity is a simple matter of dividing the number of hours by the baptism figures for the period in question; asa matter of historical persepctive, it's interesting to track this back one or two decades, and it will be seen that the number continues to grow.

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