Saw Mystic River

by Maverick 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Maverick

    I took the day off Monday and went to the movies with a friend. We both left New England at 16, me from Mass. and she from Conn. Clint Eastwood really captured the flavor and attitude of the culture and the people. I had some very bad things happen to me when I lived there. And I have not been back in over thirty years! I had repressed a lot of those memories and movie was very creepy to me. The acting was superb. And the story was compeling in a very dark sort of way. In the past year I had been thinking of going back to Mass. After seeing this movie I have no interest in ever going back! You can keep the whole slimy Northeast as far as I concerned. Maverick

  • Valis

    *LOL* Mav...I wanna see that movie!


    District Overbeer

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