The dream of the New Order - in Donkey Language

by donkey 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • donkey

    A Donkey understands the New Order when it is explained practically as follows:

    Get yourself:

    One Sheet
    One Carrot
    One 5 foot pole
    6 inches of string.
    One 12 pack of favorite beer.


    Take the sheet and wrap it like a turban around your head.
    Take the string and tie one end to the carrot and the other to the pole.
    Now take the other end of the pole and insert it into the turban so the carrot is now 5 feet in front of you.

    The carrot represents the New System off and each foot of the pole represents one year. How far is the carrot (critical times in the latest Watchtower)??? Thats right 5 feet (years).... Now step foward one foot. How far is the carrot now??? Thats right, 5 feet (years).. Now repeat until you get the picture....

    Now start drinking the beer...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Very good analogy and I would add: the space you have to cross to get to the carrot. The one where you must keep an agonizing schedule of 5 meetings a week, field service, the memorial, three conventions a year, with several stops for personal study.


  • Elsewhere

    But you might... MIGHT get just a BIT closer!!!!

    Just keep trying... there is always that chance that you will get closer!!!

    If you don't try then there is no way it could possibly happen... so you HAVE to try and hope that it will!!!

  • Leolaia

    So....the wts refers to the "New World" and to the "New Order"....but how bout the "New World Order"??? I guess it would go along with NGO status ;)

  • Satanus

    All the more reason to stay off carrots, and on beer.


  • Farkel


    I ATE that carrot over thirty years ago, dude. I ate it because it was about to become rancid.


  • minimus

    But farkel, can you prove it?

  • Undecided


    I ate mine in 1973 also, it sure was nice not to have that thing in my face.

    Ken P.

  • shotgun

    The Carrot Commandments

    1) Never bite your own carrot...

    2) Never covet thy neighbours carrot...

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    HEEE ___HAWW

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