Latest News You WON'T See in Awake!

by RationalWitness 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • RationalWitness

    Among the headlines on Yahoo! this afternoon:

    Crime Survey Shows Largest Drop Ever in 2000

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. violent crime rate, which has fallen steadily for years, declined by 15 percent in 2000, the largest annual decrease since the survey started in 1974, the Justice Department (news - web sites) said on Wednesday."

    story source:

    Wow! Crime is dropping more than at any time since BEFORE 1975! Must be getting ready for "Peace and Security"!!!


  • Amazing

    Hi RW: Good to see you back. Thanks for this post. I also heard this on the news today. Yes, this news has all kinds of implications. I will not be surprised if the WTS tries to use it for a 'peace and security' claim. But, if crime swings back up, they will use it the other way once again.

    On the other hand what also makes this news interesting is that crime is dropping even though the economy is down, and the USA uses the so-called 'non-deterant' death penalty. When was the death penalty reinstated in the USA? Does anyone recall?

    Also, if I am not mistaken, crime has been trending down since 1975. And the recent drop was the largest ever. Most fascinating. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • RunningMan

    The reason that crime rates peaked in the 1960's and 70's, and has been on
    the decline ever since, is because of demographics.

    The population graph for Canada and the U.S. shows that there was a
    disproportionate number of births between 1950 and 1965, otherwise
    known as the post war baby boom. This group went through their prime
    crime committing years in the 60's and 70's. So, crime went up during those
    decades, and has been dropping now that this group is nearing middle age.

    The Society has always distinguished themselves by their simplistic analysis
    of world events. The rising, then falling, rate of crime has absolutely nothing
    to do with the time of the end.

    But, that doesn't change the fact that they should be thoroughly embarrassed
    by their stupidity. The statistics just don't seem to be cooperating with their

  • Simon

    I think the book "Sign of the Last Days" by Carl Olaf does a good comparison of crime rates, life expectancy etc... now and in the past.

    I don't like walking through London now but 150 years ago would have been *much* worse. I could have been hit over the head and woke up fighting Napoleon or put in a pie or something.

    BTW: The 150 years was an estimate before people tell my that my History is to pot and Napoleon and Sweeney Tod weren't around at the same time

    Most people have the most confortable existence that people have ever had but worry and fret more than anyone. It's all the fault of global news reporting - anything bad happens to anyone in the world and we see it on TV...

  • JanH

    If I don't remember very wrong here: Crime in the US increased rapidly thru the 70s and 80s, and flattened out sometime around 85. This trend, except the sharp increase, seems to have been mirrored in many other western countries. Since the mid-80s, crime has been on the decline in the US, and this trend seems to continue.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • expatbrit

    The fact that we all have so much free time to worry and fret over supposed crises of crime in itself indicates that conditions are better now than before.

    The vast majority of historical people were far too busy simply struggling for the necessities of their much shorter lives to indulge in such nonsense.


  • peterstride

    Just recently in the Toronto Star newspaper, I remember reading that in the past 15 years or so in Canada, while the crime rate has steadily dropped, the reporting of crime has increased somewhere on the order of 600%. An astounding figure.

    Something else I had read (I can't remember where) was one reason for the rising crime rates during the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Canada (and I'm sure this could apply to the US as well). In the past, when a crime happenned, it wasn't collected into a national databank.

    In the late 50s, it was decided to start keeping track of crime statistics. As you can imagine, these procedures were implemented with the large urban police stations first. Most Police Chiefs in small towns, didn't bother calling in their crime statistics. But, little by little, the new procedures were implementted and more and more police stations started callling in/mailing in their crime statistics.

    Then arrived the computer, and as more and more towns and cities were wired, more and more crimes were reported, thus giving the impression that the crime rate was actually going up. In fact, all that was happenning was that the crime information statistics were being better reported and recorded in a yearly databank.

    Once every police department in Canada was wired (which happenned sometime in the mid 80s) and no more new police stations came on-line...all of a sudden, crime rates started falling. Amazing!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Maximus

    RW! Been way too long. I will indeed write you. (Can't bring myself to write Rational Witness--the ultimate oxymoron.)

    As to the above, I'll make sure Harry Peloyan and company get this.

    Finally finished "The Elegant Universe." Beautifully written.

    Much affection,

  • patio34


    Thanks for the info. I thought the same thing when I saw it today--that'll never get into the WT! They are so selective in their choice of news. It is such a dishonest practice. But i know the jws (the thinking ones) notice this too. I used to notice it quite a bit.


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