Short recent history of't in Islamist states

by Phantom Stranger 3 Replies latest social current

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    One Iman, One Vote What do Islamists mean when they talk about democracy? By Lee Smith Iraq's interim constitution, signed just this Monday, begins with the words "The people of Iraq." If it's not as immediately bracing as "We the people," it's still a good start for a country whose citizens, over the last several decades, have been the collective victim of terror and violence. Moreover, according to a number of observers, it's a very good constitution, guaranteeing freedom of speech and religion; equal rights for all citizens, including women; and outlawing torture. Indeed, it's a model constitution for the Arab world, much like the one that Iraq's constituent assembly drafted, under British supervision, back in 1924.

    Of course that constitution, while never on very firm ground, was officially laid to rest with the 1958 coup that brought Brig. Gen. Abdel-Karim Qasim to power.

    It is a sad, unfortunate fact that liberal constitutionalism has a bad track record in the Arab world.

    The rest as

  • stillajwexelder

    It is a sad, unfortunate fact that liberal constitutionalism has a bad track record in the Arab world.


  • Badger

    Doesn't mean we should give up on it...Hey, I'm agianst the war in Iraq, but now that we're there, let's help set up the Iraqis, give them back their oil, and get out...and then LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    It's been pointed out by better writers than I (or at least more successful ones) that democracy has rarely flourished in lands without ingrained cultures of liberal republics... such as France and England in the 1700's.

    Knock down a counrty with a lousy set of laws, and a population who disrespects them, and erect an "instant democracy", and you have Russia, the Phillipines, various South American states, and plenty of African states too.

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