Nice little party

by Odrade 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    We had a little party at our house last night, wish we could have had the whole PNW crew in, but alas, not enough room or valium- HA! For those who did come, thanks for showing, and we really enjoyed your company! Sorry about that one moment when I brought out an AWAKE! and people ran screaming from the room. And why, oh why, Kate, did you leave 1/2 a Costco cheesecake over here to tempt me???

    Oh it's nice to have friends


  • simplesally

    Did you guys take any pictures?

  • Odrade

    nah, no cameras present. We are "faders" and too many JWs have been in our house in the past. Should have taken a few though just for us.

  • bisous

    had a great time, thanks for including me.....even the non-XJWs had some laffs, eh????


  • bikerchic

    Odrade and Pater thanks for the fun and for the comfort of your beautiful home! Craig and I really enjoyed ourselves.

    It was nice to finally meet GinnyToskins and she and Julie were able to catch up, gosh they go way back.....

    sphere you look so cute that pregnancy glow, I'm really excited for you and hubby!

    And why, oh why, Kate, did you leave 1/2 a Costco cheesecake over here to tempt me???

    Oh it's nice to have friends

    Hey you don't have to eat it all by yourself you could have ME over for coffee and cheesecake.LOL

    Thanks again it was fun!


  • GinnyTosken

    Many thanks, Odrade and Pater, for your warm hospitality.

    I especially liked the book study chair arrangement and Odrade's upbuilding reading of the Awake!

    If only the Society would follow your shining example and offer cheesecake and Scotch on Tuesday nights, I'm sure meeting attendance would dramatically improve. Perhaps we should start a new religion?


  • Valis
    not enough room or valium-

  • Odrade
    Perhaps we should start a new religion?

    Does it include wearing napkins?

    Valium, I'll be sure and invite you next time...


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