Doomsday Clock moved ahead - Watchtower loves this stuff

by Zoos 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zoos

    I remember references to the doomsday clock all the time when I was a kid (in the 80's). They moved away from it when the nuclear threat diminished. But it's back in the news again.

    They will SO be all over this like white on rice, as evidence that Armageddon is just a whisper away.

  • stillin

    Guilty as charged! I have mentioned little forward-movements of the Doomsday Clock in some of my talks. If it goes backward I think I'll use that, too. Then they can all say,"at a time you do not think to be it..." Or, "they will be saying 'peace and security!'"

    the cognitive dissonance is so thick that you have to slice through it!

  • millie210

    You knkw stillin that is something I never noticed until I was OUT. That double speak!

    You are right - that is exactly what they would say. 

  • sparrowdown

    Yeah, I remember the doomsday clock in the eighties as well.

    Funny thing is,  the JW doomsday clock has been stuck on one minute to midnight for the last hundred years!

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