Does the Watchtower Control Our Minds?

by Tower Man 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tower Man
    Tower Man


    I've got a short article up that deals with the Watchtower's use of mind control on its followers. It's written by Wilbur Lingle, who has an excellent book out on how to reach through to JWs. Check the article out if you'd like. It's called, "Who Molds your Thinking?"

    Have a great weekend!

    Tower Man

  • mouthy

    Wilbur goes to Pennsylvania every year to the "Witnesses Now for Jesus"He has many.many great tapes ..... Really good ones to help unravel the mind of a JW.

  • JamesThomas

    Here is a segment from the above mentioned site.

    By putting your faith in Jesus and His finished work on Calvary, you can also enjoy a new relationship with God. In addition, God will seal you with His Holy Spirit and guarantee you everlasting life (Ephesians 1:13,14). You will experience a freedom in Christ that you never had as a Witness.

    Out of one jail cell and into another. Does Christianity control our minds? May be a more fitting question for those unafraid to be totally honest.

    We need no "faith" in Jesus or any man or religious dogma to have a "new relationship with God". God is not so tiny as to fit into or need any such cage of exclusivity!

    I know it makes us feel good to be special, but we are not. God, is equally available within all, right here right now. It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe. God, is our natural and unconditional heritage.

    If you are offended by what unconditional love really means, it's not my fault.

    Most religious people are offended by hearing of the infinity of God. They want to reduce and belittle God to only their way and beliefs. They want to own God for themselves. It's all bs.

    Religion sucks.


  • garybuss

    Good point James, I personally know Wilbur and I hold him in very high regard. He has helped me get old literature and has helped me in real ways more then every Witness I know put together. He has an Evangelical outlook because that is his background and he knows it well. In person Wilbur does not lead with religion, he leads with kindness and honest concern. He has a heart of pure gold and his motives are of the very highest order.

    I endorse Wilbur as one of the nicest people I have ever met. He has written a book about Witnessing to Witnesses and I learned from it in a good way. I recommend it.

    I would much rather my Witness relatives and my Witness sons were Christians of the Wilbur Lingle kind than Jehovah's Witnesses any day of the year. Just my .02. GaryB

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Gary, Very kind and nice post. Please know I am in no way attacking people here. Wilbur may be one of the nicest people on the earth. But if through his niceness he is supporting and enforcing a diminutive view of God, which makes God into a thing out there, and places our attention on people, places and events yet to come, rather than the actual presence of Divinity within us right this his niceness a blessing or a curse!? Making people feel good, isn't necessarily spiritual. All the suffering in the world is caused by ignorance. By our ignorance to our true-identity with the Source of all things (read "God", if you like), and thus our oneness with all. The Truth is within us. Right here and now. The only limits to God are in our mind and it's foolish beliefs. We need only go silently and nonjudgmentally to the core of our own Being to discover what the word "Christ" is in real life. Some days I feel extremely sensitive to the world's suffering and post like this. Generally I'm trying to stay the hell out of Christian threads. j

  • Tower Man
    Tower Man

    Just to clarify, the evangelical part of the article (last section) was not written by Wilbur, but by me. He wrote the article and I customized it with his permission.

    Tower Man

  • garybuss

    Right on James, I am with you all the way. I didn't see your post as any kind of attack. Please forgive me if my post was too defensive. I agree with you AND I like Wilbur a lot. :-) I enjoy your posts, please keep them coming. GaryB

  • ellderwho

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