Attending a Funeral

by nowuask 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nowuask

    A neice of mine passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 24. I did attend the funeral at the church she attended. The family asked to give a brief talk about her using her own copy of her bible. One of the elders found out about it. He said that some of the friends may not understand. Then asked my to read the watchtower 5/15/02 pg. 28. There were a lot of "may's" in the artical? I felt that it was a hornor to give the talk. I did not use any other copy of a bible, I did not want to affend anyone. The family really thanked me for doing it. How do some of you feel about such a matter like this? You men & women out there, would you attend such a funeral like this? Would you attend the funeral, in general? Thanks so much for your thoughts on this matter. Need some feed back.

  • gumby
    You women out there, would you attend such a funeral like this?

    So.....only women on this thread?

    I'll just give you a warm welcome then.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Welcome to the forum..

    I don't know what that watchtower you mentioned says.. but it doesn't really matter ..

    I would have spoke at a funeral for my niece, nephew if asked. Just not at the kingdom hall. (wouldn't be allowed there anyways)

    Sounds like your nieces parents felt that you had a special bond or relationship to her or else they wouldn't have asked you to speak at the funeral.....

    special K

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I would certainly attend a funeral such as you described. The JW's have so many meaningless Talmudic rules controlling how they are allowed to show they care about someone.

    I believe I have attended a funeral just like you describe - I don't see the problem. But for people who, like the complainers and the elders in the congregations, live in fear instead of in love, everything is a problem.

    My hat is off to you for your part in your niece's funeral!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I would have told them that your relatives would "not understand" if you did not attend the funeral. As far as using your niece's Bible, we tell people we that Jehovah's Witnesses use all translations. We are very open minded.

    Interestingly, I remember a dear elderly sister back in the 1960's who was disfellowshipped because she preferred the King James Bible over the New World Translation. An elder told me that was the reason and he thought it was a valid reason. Back then I never questioned anything.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Bonnie/clyde.....just a thought about when you wrote:

    "I remember a dear elderly sister back in the 1960's who was disfellowshipped because she preferred the King James Bible over the New World Translation. An elder told me that was the reason and he thought it was a valid reason. Back then I never questioned anything."

    Holy crap!!.....That just reeks of being so cruel to about scrapping the bottom of the barrel to d'fellowship somebody.. and elderly lady too.

    How can an elder walk with his head up after such ..low, hitting an old lady in the gut..

    I shake my head.


    Special K

  • shotgun

    I think what you did was good both for the family and for you as well....good on ya

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