JWs are "wise" and everyone else is "dumb" - no wonder they're arrogant...

by somebodylovesme 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • somebodylovesme

    I'm bored, so I thought I'd post.

    I just remembered a part of a talk from a meeting I went to a couple months ago (to appease the family). I can't remember what verse, but it was talking about how Christians were the "wise" ones. The speaker went to great lengths to explain how Witnesses are smarter and more sophisticated than "dumb" (yes, used that word) wordly people. The logic? If you couldn't see the glaring glory of the truth, you are obviously stupid. "Da bible sez so." It was worded slightly more eloquently, but that was the charge.

    And then it dawned on me why a certain one of my in-laws loves this religion. He is not a smart guy -- nice, sweet person, but dumber than a rock, and he knows it. I feel bad for him a lot of the time, because he struggles through the magazines (his wife reads them to him mostly, I think) and doesn't "get" a lot of things the rest of the family talks about. I know he's always felt insecure around me and my hubby, because we are both very good students - me undergad, hubby in grad school, both get straight A's. He must LOVE that in HIS worldview, we are stupid and he is wise. In some twisted way, I think that's why he doesn't hate us by now (it is hard to have a conversation with him on any topic of any seriousness because he just doesn't get it, and he knows it). When they talked about that at the meeting, he was all but gloating.

    Just an observation. Must be nice (sarcasm) to be in a group that puts everyone else down and you are thus propelled to some self-created state of "wisdom".


  • DanTheMan

    Good points slm. Over time I came to loathe the arrogance and self-righteousness of the dubs I was in association with (myself included), both dumb ones and some very smart ones also.

    It seems that fundamentalist religions like the WT appeal to people who have a need to think they are better and more holy than others.

  • Sargon


    I've always hated the smug, we know something you don't know attitude, that I receive when I'm at a gathering with a bunch of witnesses. I just have to grin and bear it when i attend these gatherings. It took me a long time to figure out the difference between wisdom and intelligence;

    intelligence tells you it's raining outside, wisdom tells you to take an umbrella.

    The problem with these smug ones is they think it's always raining. My problem is I like the rain and hate umbrellas.

    Whats my point here? i don't really know maybe you can figure it out for me.

  • shotgun

    You are correct....

    What I always find amusing is how they talk and study the same things over and over and over and still when you ask a question about those well studied subjects out of the norm they draw a blank and quickly switch to we don't need to know everything. Lets wait on Jehovah and stick to his organization...condemn Catholics for the trinity Mystery but it's ok to have lots of our own Mysteries.

    Shotgun..of the I want answers class

  • boa


    I've often thought about how it seems the exclusiveness of the jw group leads to everyone getting a degree in the -we now KNOW 101 course. But why do you know bro'? Because I believe and know, and so on and so on. To be fair though, when you are trained by the org to question as much as you want but only WITHIN the confines of the society's teachings, and especially if you are raised a jw (like I was), it seems to practically be a miracle to even realize what questions can be asked about the 'knowledge' you are raised with never mind the possibility that there could be something more than minor wrong with jw beliefs. You know the idea that this close to the end, we practically have all the new light.


    i agree. the jw faith is full of many many mysteries. but that is for another post.


    'To those who think they KNOW, beware of arrogance'

  • Maverick

    This goes along with, "All worldly people are dead...God just has not killed them yet!", thinking. They know a secret, but we know their secret is a lie! Now who's the dummy? Maverick

  • Wonder


    I would just like to say, that if there were more people like you, the world would be a better place, It's nice to see a young lady working hard to achieve her goals, and from the sounds of it, fortunate enough to have a husband who shares the same quality's.

    There are alot of unfortunate people in this world we live in, who maybe because of mental disabilities, or lack of resorces are not able to even begin to achieve what you already have.

    Some, have even made very poor decisions in life, and as a result, will now only be able to look and admire those who still have all there faculties in tact, either because of some sort of loss they themself suffer from, as the consequence, or because they truly were a victim of circumstance, In either case, these ones are still alive, and can be made happy, while yet there are still those who have indeed lost all hope, in All and in every "thing" serching for a swift and painless way to join those who we so painfully lost in death.

    While there is still time, either because of some sort of man made catostrophic global event bound to happen sooner or later, or because of the prohetic Heavenly Judgment to fall upon earth, wouldn't it be beautifull to see those whom we love happy, knowing "We" or even a stranger made them feel that way?

    Let us not forget, We are all Gods Children and fight the Universal fight together, for happyness. Wether we are content with our knowledge or not, it is not because of anything "We" did, in the process of our bieng created in our mothers womb that determined our quality's, but rather because of the undeserved kindness of our Father in the Heavens and of our Lord Christ Jesus that we are. It does not belong to us, the authority to Judge others, but it "Does belong to us the authority to make others happy.

    If there is any belief of our Father in the Heavens , and of our Lord Christ Jesus in you, No matter how any man states it, Im sure you will agree that "True Wisdom" does infact come from above.

  • shamus

    I completely agree.

    They recruit people who have low self esteem and give them this "godly" complex. They give them this complex that they can "judge" people, yet completely ignore the fact that they are all acting like the Scribes and Pharisees.

    They're rule: "ONE RELIGION, ONE PATH, ONE WAY, THAT'S THE WAY IT ALWAYS WAS, YOU'RE ON NOAH'S BOAT OR NOT". I seem to recall after the flood that "jehover" would never do that again to animals, never mind human beings.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Is there a smoother line to drop when you're targeting the 'dumb' ?

    It's gotta be a clincher some of the time.

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