Feed a Cold?

by CountryGuy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • CountryGuy

    Both me and my sweetie have come down with a cold. So, making dinner tonight was very interesting. What sounded good to him, totally grossed me out, and vice-versa.

    When I'm sick, pretty much the only thing I want is a grilled cheese sandwich. When he's sick, he wants jello. Oddly enough, the thought of grilled cheese and jello sandwiches totally grossed us out!

    What is your comfort food when you're sick?


  • somebodylovesme

    Good old fashioned chicken noodle soup. Campbell's. And then I just breathe in the beautiful chicken-y vapors for a minute until I salivate... mmmm.... now I'm hungry.

    I've been grossly sick for many days now. Starting to get better, though - yay!


  • Reborn2002

    Grilled cheese and jello.

    Sounds like a helluva meal in a college dorm or a bachelor pad.

    Hey, at least it beats Ramen noodles.

  • CountryGuy

    Hope you're feeling much better very soon, SLM.

    I slept most of the day and I feel much better! So much better that I'm going back to work tomorrow. Yay.

  • Carmel

    Two Alkezelszer Plus in warm water! Sleep!


  • galaxy7

    Believe it or not this seems to work

    Boil for one minute a can of cocacola

    add lemon and 2 slices of ginger

    must be something in the boiled coke because it works

  • shamus

    Take a good hit off the pipe and.....

    Oh, wait, just kidding.

    I like chicken noodle soup.

  • simplesally

    I like tea and tomato soup.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Feed a cold starve a fever right?

    I just don't want to eat when I am sick. I don't eat. I'll drink lots of fluids but I just can't eat. Sometimes it seems I have mind over matter with headcolds. I tell myself Im too busy to get sick when I first feel it coming on and it works a lot. I just power down the vitamins and keep busy.

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