tonite's superbowl party

by dustyb 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    i found it strange actually. i went to a superbowl party with my mom and all her JW friends and my JW girlfriend. me and a few people were downstairs watching the game, and when i come up, i see a few guys drinkin some beer and playin some chess. normally i wouldn't think anything of it, but a lot of JW's don't play chess because it encourages independent thinking and the WT has actually wrote and article on it...

    another thing that was a shocker was a baptized guy (in his mid 20's) buggin the hell out of one of the younger witness girls (around 17-18)....but what shocked me was he was flirting w/ her, yet he is way way way too old, and he was trying more with her than i was with my g/ ya...

  • Gopher

    Yeah, you gotta have a warring spirit to play chess! It stirs violent emotions!

    Actually I think you can take ANY game too far if you want to.

    There was an article in the Awake that came out later than 1973, and I remember it was about various pastimes. Included was a very neutral reference to the game of chess.

    So I guess the organization decided its old "counsel" on chess was really silly.

    As far as that JW guy in his 20's....he's WAY too old for those girls. If you reach your mid-20's while still single in the JW's, you're likely either an old maid or a confirmed bachelor!!

  • Euphemism

    Just for the record, I've never known any Witnesses who wouldn't play chess on moral grounds.

  • dustyb

    just for the record....ya i know lol, i've never seen a witness that knew how to play chess to pass up on a game. i just think its kinda stupid tho because they bitch and bitch about being no part of the world, yet they are playing games and watching sports like EVERYONE else is doing on sunday night (referring to the superbowl)

  • Gopher

    I've seen where elders will say from the platform that football is a violent sport, but then at home they'll watch it anyhow. In fact, some of them seem to be quite the expert about the players and the rules.

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