
by simplesally 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Hello there,

    I was reading thru some of the older topics and came across the one you posted about searching for your birth mother. Were you able to make any progress with this? What have you been able to accomplish in this regard?

    I guess finding that thread helps me wonder if it made it easier for your other mother to cut you off..... you had said in part that you never really fit into the new family unit that your father created.

    thinking about you,


  • Billygoat


    No I haven't found her. Although I have made some local (TX) Japanese connections. I have met a Christian pastor here in Dallas that is Japanese and heads up the Japanese Baptist Church of North Texas. A friend introduced me to him and we met once. I explained my story and my desire to find my mother. He told me that if my mother is a Christian that it would be very easy to find her because the Christian population there is so small. Less than 1%. He promised to take my pictures of her AND of me (childhood and recent) and pull them out at any Christian church he visited in Japan. He says he makes the trip about once a quarter. I haven't heard from him, but I have faith that one day we'll meet.

    There is a part of me that is excited to hear her side of the story regarding my parents divorce from so many years ago. There is a part of me that is nervous about hearing it too because I'm afraid she'll confirm that my father was a difficult person to be with. It will help me put things in perspective in regards to their divorce.

    Regarding my step-mother...I hesitate to speak too badly of her. From day one she never introduced me as her step-daughter and I never called her anything other than "mom". She was there from when I was 9 to when I left at 19. She taught me to sew, cook, change a baby diaper, my multiplication tables, and quizzed me on my scripture quotes every week. Although a strong disciplinarian, she was a good mother to me when I needed the buffer from my abusive father. Most of my memories of her are very good. I'd like to think that she cut me off coldly because she didn't have a dad keeps her on a short leash. With as much water is under the bridge, I love my step-mother a lot. She was more of a parent to me than my father was capable of dreaming! I would almost have to say that I miss her more than my dad.


  • Carmel


    I know what you mean. I left home a 14 to get away from the JUU's and my abusive family. Not too long afterward I met and became friends with a wonderful family, the wife of which, took me and another young man under her wings better than either of our natural mothers could. She was a true beacon in our lives and never forgot us and kept in touch until dieing recently. Personally, I think parenting is much more a spirtual role and is defined thereby more than genetic bloodlines.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Andi I've read a little about your past. You honestly seem like one of the nicest people around, anywhere. It's hard to imagine that anyone would treat you poorly.

    I've said it before, I'm really lucky to have the parents I have. I can't imagine where I would have ended up with anal parents, probably on the street someplace or living with a loser guy that abuses me.

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