Jimmy Kimmel Loves Firpo Carr

by ApagaLaLuz 2 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Did anyone see Jimmy Kimmel live last night? He was making jokes about Firpo Carr and saying how he has a fake "doctor's" degree. Then Jimmy shows a clip of Firpo saying how the Jackson's dont appreciate their family being "Maligned" by him. Firpo is wearing a funny hat with a feather in it. So the next shot is Jimmy and he puts on a similar hat and goes "hmmm, I like this hat, kinda makes me look like a fake doctor." And he finnishes with the comment "I cant believe I'm in a dispute with a guy named Firpo."

    It was beautiful I tell you.

    p.s. I grew up in the same congregation as the Carr's. His mother is good friends with my mother

  • IronGland
  • Gopher

    Is this guy still a JW? How can he be a "spiritual advisor" to a disassociated JW like the "King of Pop"?

    Firpo is just too slick. He gives me the creeps.

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