My Personal Testimony of Leaving the Society

by Tower Man 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tower Man
    Tower Man

    Hi Everyone,

    I uploaded a testimony of Gus Astaci's exit from the Watchtower. It's a good one that I'm sure you'll enjoy. Here it is:

    Take Care,

    Tower Man

  • Dawn

    Great story Tower Man! I remember the first time I knew the holy spirit was leading was right after I prayed and was telling God all the questions I had about the JW doctrines but didn't know what to do about it - I still thought they were the "truth" and that I just had a bad heart. When I finished my prayer this thought came into my mind...and it felt like it had been placed there - not a thought from myself. It sad "Ask your qustions" - immediately I knew.....if this is the truth shouldn't it be able to stand up to any amount of scrutiny? I wasn't afraid to research anymore - instead, I was excited to get started. That was the beginning of freedom for me.

  • Sentinel

    Hi Dawn,

    What you posted is so very true. For answers to our questions--no matter what they might be--we have only to "ask". It is not some dramatic prayer on bended knee, or in a building, etc., it is heartfelt and sincere pleadings that mean the most.

    The answers come--we just have to learn to "listen".


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