BS that I have experienced in the Org..

by Agent Smith 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    A few years back I started Reg. Pioneering. A had a horrible start to the year with alot of stuff going wrong at work and was only able to preach some 40 hours in the first 4 months of the pioneering. The CO comes to visit the cong in January and tells the elders that I need to make a promise to catch up with my hours or quit the pioneering completely. (catching up would mean an average of 100 hours preaching for the following 8 months)...I decided to quit. When asked why I was quiting I said "Well, I dont want to quit, but since the CO said I need to 'shape up or ship out'....I am quiting because the CO threathend to remove me if I did not catch up." The PO and the other elder went nuts. They said that I need another reason. It had to be a personal reason...something like my shcedule does not allow me to preach more or I have a big illness or something. I said "No!" "I would be lying if I said that....I want you to tell WTS that I am quiting becaus the CO is gonna remove me if I dont shape up." Then I said "Given my situation right now, I will not be able to do 100 hours a month, but I will do my best to do." They said..."we need you to say that your quiting because you cant handle it anymore, not because the CO said something"

    I got up and said "If you put anything other than I am quiting because the CO said he would remove me, you are some lying bastards!" Then I walked out..

    As I knew they would, they lied and said that I quit because of "scheduling reasons" That is a load of bull

  • shamus

    Good for you!

    I would have done the samed dammed thing!

    I have put up with a lot from the elders, and I only told them off once to the C.O. I did not lie. I did not, at least to the best of my knowledge, fluff things up... I told them exactly what they said to me and treated me. It felt good.

    I only wish that I would have been in your shoes and tell them that! I am very very envious of you right now. Guess the C.O. had better things to do than to find a way to support you spiritually and emotionally, LOL!

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    Thanks Shamus...I appreciate the support. It felt good to tell them how I felt about their BS.

  • crinklestein

    Spread your story around your congregation. If they want to be lying bastards let them feel the sting of a damaged name in the congregation. Start raising your hand when those elders are giving a talk (one that requires audience participation) and try to squeeze in answers that talk about the importance of being truthful and the consequences of lying. And do it all with a shiteating grin on your face.

  • metatron

    It's in quiet incidents like this that you can see how the organization is dominated by service to men, not God.

    Particularily disgusting is the servile attitude of elders towards the C.O. If they all stood up to these itinerant

    spiritual predators - instead of being cowards - the organization would be much different.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Sorry that happened to you, Agent. Sadly, that kind of thing happens all over.

    Some elders railroaded my nephew through a committee meeting where they didn't even bother to pray. He was repentant but it mattered not to them.They dfd him. So he appealed it. They kept telling him and his parents that: No one has ever appealed one of our judicial decisions.They also assured them that appeals almost never overturn an original decision. Our elders were sweating bullets during the second committee meeting. When the other elders came out and told the parents that the origianal decision was upheld, the PO wiped his hand across his forehead and said "Phewwww!" Because they really were scared the decision they made would be overturned and they would look bad to the CO.

    That same PO was deleted, reproved publicly and his pioneer privileges removed for putting the make on the sisters in our hall. One of them in particular finally outed him. The local elders wouldn't do anything to him so she told the CO. Sadly, though she was innocent in my opinion, she was reproved, lost her pioneer privileges and was the victim of vicious gossip. The PO's wife even told her she should have kept her mouth shut.


  • cypher50

    It shows the heartset of the organization in general...these men do not care if you are doing as much as spiritually possible but rather just want businesslike results...

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    When my ex and I first started dating she was a pioneer....but lagging in hours something feerce due to illness.... I felt she should resign as it seemed in my eyes, wrong to get the pioneer perks and discounts when she clearly was not able to be one.... but she told me at every turn the elders and the congregation in general kept making her feel she had to stick with it because they needed good pioneer numbers. I could see that it was taking a toll on her health and so could everyone else, but they did not seem to care...worrying more about numbers than people.[drones].

    I felt it was too dishonest and damaging to her health to continue and forced her off the pioneer list...which did not cause too many ripples but was met with no little resistance.... worst of all, I later found that my ex was doing it mostly out of guilt-- no longer even believing in the cause from a bad experience...

  • Big Shooter
    Big Shooter

    Pretty much when you come off the "list", its as though you've sinned in the worst possible way. Instead of acknowledging your hard work and effort, you feel like you did the worst possible thing.

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