What's wrong with this picture?

by eisenstein 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • eisenstein

    Maybe I had my nose in way too many WTs and As but, can someone tell me why does it seem to be that the Republicans spend all of the money while they are in office...and the Democrats are left to balance the budget and pay back the deficit when they get back in office?

    I have been listening to some of the debates and it seems that the one major topic again going into the new term will be to pay back the deficit and balance the budget...Don't the republicans have all of the money anyway?


  • Sentinel

    There is only one real "teller machine" for the US. It doesn't matter who happens to win four years with their name on a big door name plate, and it doesn't matter who makes the withdrawals to take care of the needs of citizens.

    The needs of the people cross over strick boundaries of "parties". Four years is a very short span of time for any one group of power to correct any type of deep foundational budget problems. It is just a "position" with a "mouthpiece". The government isn't run by Republicans or Democrats; it is run by everyone working together for the common good. One man just gets to be the "voice".


  • Euphemism

    Eisenstein... ironic, isn't it? Of course, as Sentinel said, it's really our common treasury, not any party's. But it's pretty darn weird that until pretty recently, the Republicans had the mantle of being the party of fiscal responsibility; and yet, Clinton oversaw the payment of the Reagan deficity, and now a Democratic President (whether starting in 2005 or 2009) is going to oversee the payment of the Bush deficit.

  • bigboi
    have been listening to some of the debates and it seems that the one major topic again going into the new term will be to pay back the deficit and balance the budget...Don't the republicans have all of the money anyway?

    This is a major topic because the spending proposed by the Bush admin will lead the country into record deficits. In the next 2 years the spending deficit could exceed 500 billion dollars.

  • eisenstein


    EXACTLY!!!Good Vs Evil

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    High 5's Euph & Eisenstein! This has always been the case from what I can remember of politics during my pre-JW days....Yet...the American voting public always seems to vote yet another spendthrift Republican into office once the budget begins creeping into the "black"again......

    Frannie B

  • Sentinel

    In our local county government budgeting process, we always have to "plan ahead and budget for items for future use". Sometimes it's difficult to do that. Better to budget for the unexpected through "ideas and forecast" than not to have any plan. If you do request the funds, they are there when you need them. Also, one office can always "loan out/transfer budgeted funds they aren't using" to other agencies.

    I tend to believe our government works that way as well, no matter what "party" has the office of President.


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I have to agree with you all. Spending is out of control. I think that both parties ary guilty of adding to the defecit though. It seems to me that when the Republicans are in the big chair, industry and business get the benefits and when the Democrats are in charge, minorities and special intrest groups get the dough.
    Either way we the tax payers are screwed!
    I wonder how much of the national debt might be payed down should we call all our outstanding loans to other countries and quit lining the pockets of our House and Senate members?


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