Love Stories ...

by frenchbabyface 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok here it is about any kind of love (mate, friend, relatives ... whoever present or passed) don't have to be exclusive but if you've got a nice story to share ? (the way you met, why love and what kind of love ?)

  • Vivamus

    My best friend and me ... We were born across the street from eachother. While my mum was pregnant, his mum just delivered him. Our mum's met in the grocery store, and got themselves some coffee.

    He was my first visitor when I was born (well, mum and dad and grammy exclused) and he decided I was his lil' sis, and I decided he was that pesky lil' boy that kept telling me to go brush my teeth, go pee, get dressed, stop playing, start playing, etc, etc.

    He still considers me his lil' sis and soulmate, and I still consider him that pesky lil' boy, and my soulmate. Best friends, brought together by fate.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • frenchbabyface

    Thanks for sharing Viv that's a cute, cute, cute story !!!

    more !

    Edited to add : and a cute cute cute pic ... you really like bro and sis !

  • zev

    one pic says it all.

  • frenchbabyface

    yeah ... I can see that your pic talk about : TENDERNESS !!! hummmmmm Zev Lucky you !!!

  • Maverick

    This person was traveling around the world as a kind of therapy after his divorce. (Oddly enough I did the same thing now that I think about it.) We met in California back in the early 1980's. He was a big, strapping, Australian and I'm this little, feisty, Floridian. We made an odd team. We knocked around Southern California and Mexico and just were like two brothers. We met our wives about the same time, married within a year of each other, and were best man in each others weddings. Our daughters are about a year and a half apart in age and we had great times together. I moved back to Florida and his family moved just about everywhere else. They were in Hawaii, (his wife is one of the most beautiful Hawain women on Earth). Then he ended up back in Australia.

    Through all that we stayed friends. He saw the BS of the WTS way sooner than I did and would talk to me about it. Because I loved this man like one of my brothers, and loyalty is my prime value, I stayed friends with him even though I thought he was not right about the "Troof"!

    In time my wife ran off and left me and my daughter. For 20 plus years I was a worker drone in the WTS world and did not ask anything in return. Now I needed the support of the "brotherhood" and they had nothing to give. My friend and my worldly family jumped right in and saved my business and my house and my mind!

    I went to visit my friend Down Under for a month, with a week stop over in Hawaii. He set me straight on the Tower. And he told me about this site. We write all the time to each other and I send him "Care packages" of coffee and peanut butter and stuff he can't get at home.

    There is not a day that goes by that I don't mention this person to others, or write him. My life is infinitetly richer for knowing this man. Maverick

  • frenchbabyface

    MAV thank for sharing : kind of connected brother in fact

    Geez ... that is when I really have to realised that I don't know what having a real best friend is ... I'm quiet frustrated about that sometimes, unless when I'm thinking about my son (don't know if it is the same ... I guess not somehow - he is already a part of me anyway)

    I mean it's not about always agreeing but always try to understand for real - and really react to each other needs - nothing is granted ! and everything just natural ! and location doesn't matter anymore ...

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