check out....

by tink 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • tink

    ...this shirt i just bought. i just freakin love it. i have no point in posting this really, this is just my new favorite thing ever and i wanted to share

    pretty sweet, huh? it's my christmas gift to me

  • SanFranciscoJim

    So are you really from the Vega star system,


    or do you just drive a Vega?


    (PS) Merry Christmas!

  • MegaDude

    Top most satisfying dead animals

    1. -Duck: there is nothing more tender than dead duck. The younger the better.
    2. -Goose: Like duck only bigger.
    3. -Pig: If you've never had luao-style roast pig I reccomend it. There are places where for 200 dollars you can get a whole hog roasted over a spit. That's like a dollar per pound of meat! You can even eat the skin-totally awesome.
    4. -Beef: Tried an true, beef is what made this country great. Unfortunately, most meat today is not free-range. That means that cows are fed on the corpses of other cows and most of their meat has a high fecal content. But eating meat is for the mighty-not the squeemish. If you are going to eat an animals flesh you can't really have a big qualm over eating its feces too. In the end, it all makes you stronger.
    5. -Veal: Like beef only more pleasurable
    6. -Deer: It really is ridiculous that we don't eat more deer. All we do in this country is run them over and leave them to rot in the sun. They're obscenely overpopulated. Hippies ship them to Mexico where they're almost extinct. But guess what the Mexicans do with them? That's right, venison taquitos.
    7. -Elk: I have only eaten Elk once but it was really good. It's like Venison only much sweeter. Also, Elk are huge and have much more meat. Have you ever seen those nature documentary where a whole pack wolves will bring down an elk? It makes me wish I was a pack of wolves.
    8. -Turkey: A pretty good animal but I can't take much pleasure in killing and eating something so stupid. A turkey is essentially a tasty vegetable that can walk.
    9. -Lamb: An excellent meat. Many Indian and Greek places have delicious lamb recipes. Also, you never know an angel of death might attack your family.
    10. -Emu: Emu is truly the sport of kings. I doubt I could take an emu unless I had some sort of weapon that gave me reach-either a firearm or a spear. There is a great joy in eating something that might have killed you. Also, they are delicious.
    11. -Alligator: Alligators are a very old species. If you've never tried it, you are missing a dietary pleasure that predates mamillian life. Alligator today probably tastes the same as it did when dinosaurs at them.

  • JamesThomas

    I almost got you a shirt with this on the front:

    Probably a good thing I didn't.

    You have to admit though, it's got a lot more going for it than yours.


  • Elsewhere

    lol... that's cute!

  • tink

    holy crap JT....well, now, that's definitely a meaty tee!! ;D i still like mine though :P MD you are sooo gonna get it...don't make me post my favorite article about how milk contains pus!! 'cause i'll do it!!!!

  • tink

    thank you elsewhere!! and merry xmas to you too SFJ :)

  • MegaDude

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