Cult of Apostates

by Victor_E 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    The cult of JW apostates is a worldwide phenomenon that keeps growing. Unlike their counterparts it takes very little to recruit new members. While the JWs spend thousands of hours in making a new convert it only takes a moment to get someone to open their eyes and wake up from the social hypnosis the JWs induced upon them.

    There is no legal vow an apostate needs to take. In fact nothing is required to join, and many apostates have infiltrated the ranks of JWs to the very top. This of course makes the JW leadership paranoid and puts them back into the McCarthy era. By some estimates apostates outnumber JWs, the problem in verifying the facts is that apostates are not required to turn in time cards.

    Like their JW counterparts apostates have their motivation and agenda to congregate.
    They join to do among other things the following:
    1. Acknowledge each other’s experience and witness the atrocities many suffered at the hands of their “brothers”
    2. Give an encouraging word or two at times to those that are depressed and in pain of leaving or being dfed
    3. Poke fun at themselves and their counterparts for all the silly things they did
    4. Vent their anger and rage at apostates wannabees and each other from time to time
    5. Share common past experiences
    6. Keep track of former friends and acquaintances
    7. Help each other out by sharing their quest to find spirituality devoid of dogma
    8. Keep up with current events related to their counterparts
    9. Aid in exposing to the rest of society the secrets of loss of life, sexual, emotional, mental, and spiritual abuse behind the walls of the Watchtower
    10. Debate with apostates wannabees
    11. Educate each other on the doctrinal flaws of current and past theology
    12. Find fans for their newfound writing talent
    13. Find a support group that is for the most part non judgmental and a good yardstick for individual progress
    14. You can join this club but you can never leave, some leave for years but they always come back even just to lurk

    All in all apostates are some of the best people anyone could meet. They are genuine in their love and compassion for each other and mankind. Their past experience as JWs is not in vain, they congregate like veterans of wars to chat about their battles and scars they wear proudly.
    “Great spirits have always been violently opposed by mediocre minds.” A Einstein
    Victor Escalante

  • Gopher


    Your post is so true! Different people come here with different needs. I found myself agreeing most with points 2,5,6 and 13. I have found more love and support out here in 10 weeks than I did in the last 10 years in the 'spirit-directed organization'.

    When I read your title, I thought at first "oh no, am I in a NEW cult?" I think it's more like an "association". We're not controlling like a cult would be.

    Thanks for the post. It was a day-brightener.

    Gopher, enjoying the fresh air

  • TR


    I think that list sums it up quite well.


    "Kults Suck"

  • philo


    ::All in all apostates are some of the best people anyone could meet. They are genuine in their love and compassion for each other and mankind. Their past experience as JWs is not in vain, they congregate like veterans of wars to chat about their battles and scars they wear proudly.

    Hear hear! On occasions I am overwhelmed by a sense of privilege at being part of such a humane, intelligent, wide-ranging, and interesting group. Alas, a far cry from my days as a JW.

    Was it you who wrote that piece about war veterans last week? I never got round to expressing my regards, you have some extremely valuable viewpoints to the WT walking-wounded and veterans. I think a critical moment for many JWs comes when they decide 'The War' just isn't worth it anymore. So many violations of conscience, injustistices, and restrictions of the human spirit are supported by the rationale that 'there's a [spiritual] war on'. As a MS I remember a time when I could only continue my existing life within a sort of martial fantasy. I would lap up war literature and war films, and I knew this was not 'right', but still it was all I had left.

    Hmmm. I only started this to say "nice post", and look where I am! LOL


  • VeniceIT

    Amen Vic!!!


  • Amazing

    HI Victor: Thank you for a very good post! Right at first, in your opening words I wondered if you were going to speak ill of formner JWs. Then as I read on, I realized the humor, allegory, parody and kind spirit of your point. Your post is well written, and contain very true observations. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • bobsy

    This is exactly how I have found it outside the organization. I have been so blind to all the good people out here and I am so glad they were so nasty to me in the congregation because it made me think really hard.

  • Victor_E

    Hi Philo, and all,
    Thanks for your kind words, if you like my style of writing I have much to say, so stayed tuned.


  • Farkel

    : if you like my style of writing I have much to say, so stayed tuned.

    Well, I USED to like your style of writing Victor, but after that, I'm not so sure!


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