Phew (#3)

by La Capra 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Just finished the last of the midterms...WooHoo. The properties professor really nailed us bad. We all left feeling violated, so we hit the bars. Tomorrow I jet away for two weeks in the sun. I'm all atwitter. I don't know how I will make it through teaching all day tomorrow. I'm too giddy because I survived midterms and I don't think I failed. Happy holidays everyone, I'll see you when I get back. Shoshana

  • frenchbabyface

    Don't know If I've really understood ... but I guess you deserve a CONGRATULATION !!! Now enjoy the trip !!!

  • Sentinel

    Hey, glad to hear you are feeling so much better. Now that your tests are over, those tummy jitters can fly away, and you can enjoy your two week vacation. Have a great time!


  • Euphemism

    Sounds like your cold is doing better? I hope so! Congrats on making it through the tests, and have a terrific vacation! You've more than earned it.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Well, I am feeling better (now that midterms have past). The fever is gone, but I still have no voice. At least my students are happy about that. I think I deserve this vacation-more than most, I have been gpoing full throttle since September of 02. Happy hoidays to everyone. Shoshana

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