Fred Franz& the Flag Salute Deception!

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The Watchtower Society has long-established habits of half-truths,
    misquotations, and deception. The subject of the flag-salute is
    no exception.
    The first half truth involves long discussions about flags without
    explaining where they came from. Basically, flags were a practical
    necessity used to assemble soldiers for battle. Imagine yourself
    amidst hundreds of thousands of men - there's noise, dust, smoke
    and confusion - you were told to attack the enemies' west flank
    immediately together with your tribe, but you can't find them.

    You then look up and see a banner held on a pole. The banner
    may have more than one color or some simple symbol on it, that's
    easy to see from a distance. You see it and now know where to go.

    This function of flags continued for thousands of years - even
    the American flag originated as a practical tool of battle.

    All of which brings us to the next question, did faithful Israelites
    use flags? --- Yes, indeed! Read the book of Numbers (chapter 2
    for example) and you find tribal groups assembled by a "signal",
    an "ensign", a "banner", or "standard". Fred Franz tried to hide
    this fact by translating de'gel as "three tribe division" - even
    tho the words "three tribe" do not appear in the Bible text
    (they're in brackets, accordingly). Other scriptures that use
    de'gel really stretch this unlikely translation, as when a single
    tribe is being led out by it's "three tribe division" (??? how
    about being led by the BANNER OF ITS DIVISION??!!)

    Even the Insight on the Scriptures book admits that armies might
    use a signal or pole, altho it refrains from telling us what
    might be flying from that pole!

    And how did faithful, idol-avoiding Israelites view such "banners"?

    Well, suppose an Amalekite grabbed your standard and stomped on it!
    Would that be a disgrace?
    Would it be dishonorable?
    If you were in charge of it, would you be ashamed? or punished?
    or humiliated? yep!
    Would men be fighting and dying under this "banner"?
    Might they fight to keep it out of enemy hands, in effect dying
    for it?

    So, would it be treated, in practical terms as a sacred object,
    like it or not?
    So, Freddie and his pals kept those nasty national symbols outta
    their New World bible. With so many folks getting tortured or
    killed for refusing the flag salute, I guess they felt motivated
    to cover it up.

    Like so much else.....


  • peterstride

    Wow...I never realized that the society (including its oracle, Freddy) changed the bible again to have it say what they wanted to say. I guess this was all part of making the JWs feel separate from the world so that they stick together for comfort and support from the harsh, wordly people that just don't understand them.



  • patio34


    Thanks for that info. What continues to amaze me is how it all falls like a house of cards, once one is willing to open their mind.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello metatron:

    Thank you for bringing out yet another of Fred Franz's deceptive mistranslations.

    I find this so incredible to comprehend how he thought he could "get away" with this type of "crime". I say "crime" because that's what it boils down to. His crime is that he has stolen peoples lives, in so many ways--timewise and actually physically,--and we all let him because of our blind trust that he was directed by God, a favoured one.

    Just how many more things did we believe because of his deceptive mistranslating????

    And to think I used to admire him because he spoke of such deep things that I thought I just wasn't spiritual enough to understand him.

    This has been quite a learning day for me.

    Had Enough (but still hungry to learn more)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello metatron,

    I'm very pleased with your post!

    Many forgot about it and many more had no knowledge

    of it.

    "Read the book of Numbers (chapter 2
    for example) and you find tribal groups assembled by a "signal",
    an "ensign", a "banner", or "standard". Fred Franz tried to hide
    this fact by translating de'gel as "three tribe division" - even
    tho the words "three tribe" do not appear in the Bible text
    (they're in brackets, accordingly). Other scriptures that use
    de'gel really stretch this unlikely translation, as when a single
    tribe is being led out by it's "three tribe division" (??? how
    about being led by the BANNER OF ITS DIVISION??!!) "

    Good piece of research. Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • slipnslidemaster

    I feel like a sponge just soaking all of this fine information up, especially with the end so close

    Slipnslidemaster: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

  • outnfree

    Interesting post, Metatron, as usual!

    Just wanted to welcome Peterstride to the board. I am now one of those harsh, worldly people, don'tcha know?

    It may have been your coat of arms that inspired Metatron to reveal his research!


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