Are Exjws Now More or Less Politically Involved In Your Opinion?

by minimus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Personally, I have always enjoyed political banter. I obviously was very careful about not getting involved in politics with fellow Witnesses. Still, I always was interested in it.

    I know some JWs that believe all governments will be destroyed so why bother ??

    Since you have left, are YOU more politically involved?

  • Biahi

    As soon as I left, I registered to vote.

  • pistolpete

    More because all the crazy people we vote into office will determine what kind of life my family and I will live.

    And they are all crazy----because they are human.

    So I tend to pick the ones LESS CRAZY, and Promise policies that affect me for the better.

    Unfortunately most lie and they never keep their promise because it is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible.

  • truth_b_known

    I believe more. I know my family became politically active beyond voting. I noticed my brother has, too.

  • Phizzy

    I certainly cannot speak for other XJW's, but I have become a Keyboard Warrior in the Political field, fighting against untruth and promoting Democratic Socialism, and of course, from the time I left the Org. voting accordingly.

    I shall fight for as long as I can for a better World, and for better Governance, where the Governments all are " For the Many, not the Few".

    I think it is a Civic Duty to be politically active............... unless you are a Right Wing Moron, then Eff Orf !

  • minimus

    Phizzyyy , now now

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