Husband's "Orders" Result in Sentence For High Speed Nursing

by Country Girl 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Sound familiar? Because this woman felt compelled to obey her husband's "orders" as required by their religious beliefs, *she* gets the conviction, and her baby was endangered unnecessarily. She could have waited a bit, or pulled over if necessary. Woman Sentenced for High-Speed Nursing

    Fri Dec 5,10:22 AM ET
    Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

    RAVENNA, Ohio - A woman who nursed her infant while driving 65 mph on the Ohio Turnpike was sentenced to three months of house arrest for violating child-restraint laws.

    AP Photo

    Catherine Nicole Donkers, 29, was also fined $300 Thursday. The judge delayed the sentence for one month so she can pursue her appeal.

    Donkers was found guilty in August of three traffic-related charges. She was found innocent of child endangering.

    Donkers said her husband ordered her by cell phone to breast-feed their 7-month-old daughter to save time while she drove on the turnpike May 8. Police stopped Donkers after a trucker who saw her holding the baby on her lap called 911.

    Donkers testified she did nothing wrong because the couple's religious beliefs require her to follow her husband's directives. They belong to the First Christian Fellowship for Eternal Sovereignty, which has a history of challenging the government.


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