Things that YHWH Never Told Me. Did You Know that YHWH Came from Egypt? Hmmmm!!

by fulltimestudent 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    I belong to a group (best description that I can think of) that specialises in sharing academic papers. OK, sometimes that provides me with all kinds of interesting material pertinent to my research interests

    But, sometimes, (and since I have not read all of it, I'm assuming its fair dinkum, genuine research) something turns up (not among my usual research interests) that blows my simple brain.

    Anyway, after a brief examination, my conclusion is this: I think Charlie Russell would have gone gaga over this research.

    The author has named his paper,

    "In Search of the Sacred Tetragrammaton Name of God - PART 3.

    Here's the Abstract (Sort of Summary).

    The oldest discovered artifact of the Tetragrammaton dates from the Divided Kingdom of Israel period and is written in the Phoenician script as - - - - which has evolved into the present-day Hebrew Tetragrammaton - - - - translated into English as YHWH. Many inquisitive people today wanting to know more about The Creator God’s Name are asking such good questions as “Should YHWH be translated as Jehovah or Yahweh?” and “What is the difference between Jehovah and Yahweh?” This research will investigate the origin of the Tetragrammaton and those names. Since these four letters have retained their names in contemporary Hebrew and the ancient languages of Aramaic, Paleo-Hebrew/Phoenician AND EGYPTIAN, there is no doubt that the original four letters making up the Tetragrammaton were written in the Egyptian script! Since this Sacred Name of God came out of Egypt, we must go back to this original location and try to find out not only what the pronunciation of The Sacred Name was, but more importantly What is The Meaning of The Name! In this PART 3, more than a dozen ancient manuscripts will be examined in the quest to find the historical roots of the Tetragrammaton and the meaning of the four letters.


    If you are intrigued by this document, you may be able to access it at:

    The author (btw) is Russell Jacquet-Acea. He appears to have a couple of degrees, and (shades of Charlie R ) alos seems to own a publishing company>

  • Earnest
  • silentbuddha

    Hate to tell you this but this info was previously discussed by the 5 percenters as well as John Henrick Clarke when I was in high-school in the early 1990s...

    When I get home I am going to try to dig up this stuff from old pamphlets that I read in high-school

  • fulltimestudent

    silentbuddha: (Quote) "Hate to tell you this but this info was previously discussed by the 5 percenters as well as John Henrick Clarke when I was in high-school in the early 1990s...":

    No need to hate telling me (or, hopefully us). Thank you so much for sharing. I would not expect that YHWH's 'faithful and discreet slave' would want to share such information, but we should appreciate all information that clarifies the past (or present).

    Of course, knowing how information was shared around in ancient societies, (even the ancient Greeks liked Egyptian "wisdom," and knowing that Egypt once ruled much of Palestine) I could have expected that old YHWH had an Egyptian connection. But I had not considered it, so....

  • silentbuddha

    I hope I didn't come off as a dick, lol. Its just I remember reading and hearing this as a youngin and having no way to explain or refute what I was being told and I was upset.

    I asked the elders and being the scholars they were simply told me it was lies

  • Phizzy

    Thanks FTS, I have to go out soon, ( bloody women, can't stay in if the Sun is shining), so will look more in to this later, what I do remember from my own researches some years ago in to this was that the consensus among Scholars was that YHWH without doubt came in to the Canaanite Pantheon, and was not a Deity invented by them, though of course with them he was a minor god, along with his "wife" or consort Asherah, this being before Israel was melded into a Nation.

    Most Scholars I read seemed to be cautious about actually saying YHWH arose in Egypt, stating that "he came from the South" , from memory this caution arose because the linguistic link between the tetragrammaton was not attested to fully, without doubt. ?????

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    this supports what ive said for years--HWHY

    gods name is HUWEE ( Hughie)

    or as Jesus taught us..Harold Witcheart.

  • smiddy3

    I`ll have to look at this another time ,as I`ve spent too much time on here already.

    But sounds interesting.

    "Our Father witcheart in Heaven" "Harold be thy name" ?

    Good catch stan L

  • truth_b_known

    The evidence becomes overwhelming on the origins of the Hebrew religion. Its an amalgamation of Canaanite Ba'al worship mixed with teachings from whichever empire was currently occupying the land (Egypt/Persia).

  • Overrated

    I told my parents Watchtower was all screwed up! And that is the many things! Can't make that stick to the ceiling.

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