Do girls become angels?

by TheWonderofYou 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheWonderofYou

    In this video montage from Paul Leonhart and EDEN channel a JW girl in hospital hopes to become once an "angel" or something similar at 1:06, if she only believes in Jehovah. Perhaps this is a reference also to the bloodissue and remaining loyal.

    The comment states that 20 million persons are no glorifing god and awaiting a "great tribulation" (in big letters). What a channel! The belief in angels is somehow deep in us.

    This channel has of course a video about bloodless surgery in the Englewood Hospital translated into Italian. In the endtitles there is of course the address of Englewood and a phonenumber in case somebody needs such a "surgery without blood" as it is called in the video. Maybee it is not without blood "fractions" at all. The video about the deluge I havent watched yet .

    "Ci sono oramai su tutta la Terra, 20 milioni di persone che giorno e notte rendono gloria e onore al Sovrano Signore Geova. Questi suoi figli ubbidienti, attendono con trepidazione che il loro PADRE celeste li faccia superare vivi la GRANDE TRIBOLAZIONE e diano inizio al millenario regno di Cristo."

    The comment states that 20 million persons are no glorifing god and awaiting a "great tribulation" (in big letters). What a channel!

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Mio Dio! A truly nauseating mix of religious sentiment, emotion and apocalyptic hype. There is no anchorage in reality here!

    I'm sure most girls would prefer to be girls rather than angels and that the "great tribulation" which JWs are predicting, will only be visited upon themselves................

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