The "excuses" used by Witnesses....

by stuckinarut2 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    Have you noticed how Witnesses feel that they need to use an "excuse" or "reason" for any big personal decision they make?

    For instance, if they want to move to another part of the world it is "to serve where the need is greater, or to help the truth" (rather than "we just wanted to move to....because we have always wanted to live there")

    Or if they want a holiday many will say "oh we will "help the local brothers while we are there..."

    Or if buying a new car: "oh the old one wasn't reliable enough for the field service, and the new one will help us do more visits"

    Or if they want a new home: "the old one needed more upkeep, and took away time from the service" (instead of "we just wanted a new home with modern fixtures")

    Just be honest....

    Is this all because it has been drummed into us that doing anything for oneself is wrong...or materialistic?

  • crazy_flickering_light

    It's a way to cover my life.

    Holidays: I need it because there's so much stress at work and in the cong. Need to recover. Don't preaching and don't argue with this.

    Big car: it's better for preaching, help brothers and take people to the cong.

    Big flat: better for inviting brothers and sisters.

    Give up CLAM-membership: have to care for an older sister and not sure if I can be present every time.

    But a lot of dubs hide the materialistic world behind such phrases, yes. If they move to an other place in the world, they mostly uber-dubs which not able to live a normal live.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Your O.P makes an important point. Honestly amazing isn't it. Another observation is the hypocrisy that elders spouted from the platform whilst not realizing they were " excusing" themselves. For example :-

    I used to be absolutely bowled over how the Elders could lecture from the platform about education ect, and not realize they lived in the nicest houses with mortgages paid off, whilst many in the congregation were really living hand to mouth.

    With the issue of personal grooming, Elders would regularly rumble on about how designer stubble, or beards were worn by " untrustworthy" people, yet these very elders wore a mustache or goatie beard. and for the life of me I couldnt see a difference.

    Now as for modesty of dress, my heart was in my mouth as I listernd to the many mistakes the flock were making in this regard, sisters with skirts above the knee, and brothers with designer suits. The Irony was these Super Pious Elders and there wife's dated clothes from the eighties was not modesty of dress, just out of date fashion.

    So in conclusion I think being a "non -paid" employee of the Watchtower, does require a lot of making excuses for oneself, particularly if one attempts to be individual or have fun- but as an ex " non-paid" employee of the Watchtower I have decided to jolly well dress as I like, and I will be dashed if I am not going to have some fun as well, with out having to make excuses or justify myself to anybody.

    The Rebel

  • punkofnice

    One of the brown nosers in my old congregation used to stalk publishers(tm) on facebook. He said he'd got facebook for 'business purposes'. I knew he was a liar. He was simply policing the congregation to creep to the CoBE.

    I think he's an elder now. I hope karma exists and he gets whats coming to him. He and his wife were smug dubbies.

  • ToesUp

    Yes...lots of excuses:

    "No higher education. We are taking the societies recommendation to not seek a higher education but to see Jehovahs Kingdom first."

    Now these ones are getting older and can not make ends meet.

    "We don't want to bring children into this wicked system." Now these ones are getting older and have missed out in raising a family that they really wanted and they have no one to assist them in their old age.

    Lots of excuses that are now coming back to bite them.

  • brandnew

    After i got df'd my excuse for not goin anymore was......" Nobody wants to talk to me no more" 😣😣B.....O......O.....H.....O......O....... 😂😂 . n stuff.

    Mad Puppy

  • brandnew

    Excuses should never be needed.

    Mad Puppy

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