JWs do NOT try to be separate from the world - AND a rant on "government"..

by somebodylovesme 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • somebodylovesme

    If JWs are trying to be separate from the world, then why do they do a lot of wordly things?

    Why do they watch TV? Isn't that "Worldly" influence? Same with movies, secular music, video games, fictional books, etc. It's all propaganda of the SYSTEM, right?

    Why do they socialize with worldly people? Okay, this one is probably more sanctioned than the first, but come on. I was never a Witness, but growing up, my two best friends were Witnesses. (Which, coincidentally, is how I met my now-husband, how is now an ex-JW) ... I was taken along on vacations with their families, for pete's sake. The Witness parents loved me. Me! A worldly girl! gasp! At least around here, it is very common for Witnesses to have wordly friends.

    ... and a little off the question, but it's hard to buy the whole "Government is evil" thing when they gladly buy into all the benefits of the government. Public education, public roads, utilities, public health care in SOME countries, social security, welfare (am I right on that one?)... lots of things you don't hear them complaining about. How do they suggest we live right now WITHOUT government? Can you fathom the chaos that would ensue without government? We cannot - and have not for millenia - existed without government of some kind. (Read some evolutionary biology texts if you want a look at theories of government in pre-civilized times.) Is their only argument that if EVERYONE were a Witness, the Watchtower could run the world? Well, then there would be no wicked ones to kill! So how would the world run if there were no government, as they seem to advocate?

    sigh. Just my rants.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Rant away, although you are preaching to the choir here.

    Your rant is a perfect example of the exasperation we normal non-JW people feel about the Witnesses.

  • Euphemism

    I agree with you, of course, SLM.

    The Witness answer would probably be to turn to Ro 13, where Paul says that the governments are " God?s minister to you for your good." Apparently, Paul didn't see any conflict between this idea and his general condemnation of all pagans and their practices.

  • undercover
    Why do they socialize with worldly people? Okay, this one is probably more sanctioned than the first, but come on. I was never a Witness, but growing up, my two best friends were Witnesses. (Which, coincidentally, is how I met my now-husband, how is now an ex-JW) ... I was taken along on vacations with their families, for pete's sake. The Witness parents loved me. Me! A worldly girl! gasp! At least around here, it is very common for Witnesses to have wordly friends.

    What's taught and encouraged isn't always what's practised. Associating with "worldly" people outside of what is absolutely necessary(like school, work, non-JW family) in purely social settings is majorly frowned on. 1Cor. 15:33 - "...bad associations spoil useful habits..." is the key scripture that is repeated over and over like a mantra when it comes to warning JWs about the evils of worldly people. A lot of JWs faithfully adhere to this teaching while others flirt with associating with worldly friends. Then some just plain out ignore it and do as they please. These are usually considered "weak" or "unappreciative" of the teachings from Jehovah.

    Out of the handful of meetings that I have been to in the last year(all Sunday public meetings), the one that stood out the most was a public talk on association and recreation. Mind you, this is the Sunday talk, one that is usually aimed at trying to increase interest in Bible teachings among interested ones while still being instructive to all the active JWs. This talk, though, was aimed straight at active JWs and was a damning tirade on the evils of associating with non-JWs, television, movies, books, the Internet, etc. It came across as a warning to JWs that any association with worldly ideas, be it in person or by media, would affect them in a bad way. Forty-five minutes of grown adults being told that they could not decide for themselves who or what is appropriate to associate with or watch. Listening to this talk as a detached observer really showed me just how much power the WTS tries to exert over their followers. Anyone using their own complete facilties, without prior influence from the WTS, can see right through this rubbish.

  • czarofmischief

    I once had a discussion with an elder along these lines. In my soft-hearted way, I was pondering the scriptures that encourage entire nations to "Kiss the son," and I wondered if it was possible for a nation's leaders to recognize God's Kingdom, and what would happen if they did. He explained that every person IN that nation would have to recognize God's authority, and then of course, they would become Jehovah's Witnesses and not participate in government. So there would be nobody to set things like sewage rates (which is the example he used). and probably that nation would be taken over by a neighboring nation's government. So I'm guessing he was saying that either the Canadians or the Mexicans would be setting my sewage rates.

    I never really could see why setting sewage rates was such a blasphemous usurping of God's sovreignty. Does the New Order promise free toilets and plumbing? Life's water is free, but flushing costs money and resources to do!

    Maybe if we just dug holes with pegs, like God commanded, we wouldn't have this issue (pun intended).


  • peacefulpete

    Then Rom 13 passage was written as an Awake article is today. Roman Christians circa 100ce sought to placate the Roman authorities who were having serious problems with the Jews. They recast the Jews as the bad guys in the Jesus story with the Romans as well intentioned unwitting partners in the execution of Jesus. It was only at this time and for these reasons that a serious rift occurred between the Jesus cults and it's mother Judaism.

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