Sheep and Goats

by Waymores Ghost 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    If anyone can fill me in, I'd truly appreciate it

    A few days ago I came across a brief reference to changes that the WT made to the separation of the sheep and goat doctrine. Could anyone tell me what those changes were?



  • SM62


    As far as I know, the WTS were previously saying that the separation work is going on now, with people being separated on the ministry according to how they respond and also the brothers and sisters, eg.whether they stay loyal to the WTS ets. Now, I THINK they say that the separation work is yet to come, at the end, when Jesus will finally separate the sheep from the goats.

    I could be slightly wrong here - can someone else give a more accurate interpretation of the current belief regarding this? I have been a bit out of things lately.


  • shamus

    Yes, I have been a bit "out of it", too. The bullshit keeps getting brighter and brighter... those pompus asses.

    I have not heard about this work being done at the end.. it was supposed to be happening right now.

  • Loris

    SM62 You are exactly correct.

    Old light = faithful dubs going door to door were helping Jesus separate the sheep and goats. Hence the afluent sections of our territory were called 'Goat Hill'

    New light = dubs still have to go door to door but the separation will not happen until the final trumpet blast and Jesus does it then.

    Hope that clears things up


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