The Other Sheep.. Revisited

by Aaron 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aaron

    "And I have other sheep which are not of this fold; those also I must bring in and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:16)

    Fold - a flock of sheep, a group of animals (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

    Since a 'flock' is the SAME thing as a fold, then when the Christ says that the 'other sheep will be brought in, they will be ADDED to the 'fold' or flock' he already had and all sheep will be in the same flock (fold). There is no "two folds" because two folds means two flocks and He said one FLOCK. Hence, all the sheep are together in one flock and all the sheep have one hope, one faith, one baptism.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?


    Thats means on the next memorial I can partake of the wine and meat!

    This is also good news because now the number of partakers rises thus in armageddon never comes there will always be partakers!

  • JamesThomas

    Hey Aaron. Welcome to the forum. Looks as if you may be the Aaron who posts on Tim's board. If so, you may find members of your exclusive family here. There are one or two others who have a direct com-link to their deity. It will be interesting to see if your signals match.

  • JosephMalik

    There is no "two folds" because two folds means two flocks and He said one FLOCK. Hence, all the sheep are together in one flock and all the sheep have one hope, one faith, one baptism.


    Correct. Such other sheep became the Gentile believers that were brought into this one faith, one baptism a few years later. The existence of a heavenly class and earthly class is simply another false doctrine of the Watchtower.

    The use of this term sheep is not limited to such faithful believers however. Mankind in general out of all the Nations that ever existed that qualify as decent human beings will also be identified as sheep and will be brought into this flock under this very shepherd. They too will wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb in the promised Kingdom and become one with this same flock. There is after all only one hope for mankind, existence as immortal human beings in this Kingdom here on earth under Christ?s rule.


  • mizpah

    Most Bible Commentators identify the "other sheep" as being the Gentile believers who joined the "flock" of Jewish Christians in the 1st century. While Jesus restricted the Kingdom Message to Jews, he later directed his followers to preach to all men. Thus, Jews and Gentiles became the one "flock" of God.

    This seems to be more reasonable than the convoluted explanation given by the Watchtower Society as it tries to justify its doctrine on two classes of Christians: earthly and heavenly.

  • Aaron

    To James,

    Peace be with you. Yes, I am the same 'Aaron' that posts on Tim's board. My original screen name here is kes152. But, I wanted my real name to show up so I just created a new account (not knowing that now i have to type out my whole email address to log in). I have been off and on this board at times, but I have been here before.

    To Mizpah,

    The Watchtower Society (and offshoots of them) try to divide the sheep of Christ, thus promoting "divisions" and sects. All are one and all belong to one.

  • Faraon

    So it's a good thing for us to get the dubs to get the flock out of the WT?

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