Back to the future circa 2003

by Victor 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor

    Greetings fellow warriors. I had to go back into time and dig up this post I did on JWD approximately 14 yrs ago as there is no time stamp. With age comes forgetting certain things which can be a good think lol. Anyhow I share this with you fellow newbie warriors. Those of you that remember me know we have been at this resistance for many decades. My journey stated in 1994.Enjoy.

    The time has come for me to bid you farewell. This Monday was a day to memorialize our fallen heroes. This was also a day for me to honor myself and all you fellow warriors. I printed out my first post to JWD, The “Wall that Heals” circa may 2001. Amazing how time heals and changes us in our evolution. I took that post and the letter below and burned it. I then went to El Paso’s oldest cemetery where every kind of person is buried. Here you find everyone from a Mexican president, Gen Pershing, famous madams (founders of El Paso) to famous Wild West gunslingers and everything in-between. I decided here is where I wanted the ashes of my JW persona to be scattered as my rite of passage to the next level of my path.

    Dear Victor,

    Today I am here as your silent witness to honor your past contributions and self sacrifice to the Watchtower god. You have struggled for years trying to find meaning to your twenty years of wasted service. Today, your struggle is over, it was not in vain. Through your presence and misguided dedication you helped those that wanted your help in ways that you may not even imagine. At the very least you helped your ex wife to rise above her childhood abuse and you helped yourself. Your past was instrumental in the work you do and will do on a bigger scale. Consider your twenty years of being a witness as a school you had to attend to fully understand heart, mind and soul control. Congratulations you graduated with honors!.

    The Watchtower is an institution among many that God has allowed to exist. In the divine scheme of things these are schools for certain souls to attend in their spiritual evolution. Some never graduate and they grow old and die inside these institutions, it’s their use of free will and destiny.

    As every great fallen warrior is honored for their service to their country today is your day of honor and death. Today you die to all your hopes and dreams, fears and misplaced faith you once bought into as a witness. I am here as your inner spirit to witness the death of all your JW ideals gone awry. You must also die to your ex JW hopes and dreams this is not your destiny. All great men rise to do what they are destined to do and today you must look forward to your destiny. As you honor and strip off the false self you had to create to fight for your survival, I as your guiding inner spirit will emerge to serve you. You must learn to trust me, and follow the path of least resistance. All men must die few actually live.

    “The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes” Napoleon Bonaparte

    So Long

    Victor Escalante

  • Hecce

    Great post

  • steve2

    Now that is a farewell with a flourish! Nicely composed.

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