Michael Jackson's Defense Plans (FoxNews)

by Yizuman 1 Replies latest social current

  • Yizuman
  • Sentinel

    It occurs to me that MJ has probably done "this activity" for such a long time, he considers himself innocent. He pretends to be a child himself and he is delussional. I'm certain he has a way of finding these boys that he picks from among the hundreds that stay at his place. A certain look, a certain voice or mannerism. If the mother of this boy is a person who is on drugs, etc., if the child is ill, if the parents are divorced, etc., then this type of child would be a reasonable target. And the money thing. Some people have no doubt been paid off, either before anything could happen, or like the first case that never even got an arrest. After all, who would believe a mother who has used drugs?, or a parent on welfare?. If you send your child there and this happens, ...with you staying in a suite just down the hall, think of the way people will judge your abilities as a parent. And this is what appears to be happening.

    Just as in other relationships between human beings, there is a type of chemical reaction that occurs where MJ would feel more comfortable approaching one boy over another one. This is why we are hearing all these testimonials from various neighbors, etc. as to his behavior being not sexual in any way. Once that connection is made, then the cunning intimidation begins with the end purpose in mind, and it would be very difficult for a young boy to match the expertise of the older man in his plan. MJ is a famous intertainer, and he lives in Neverland. This is a created atmosphere of make believe and the unreal. I am certain many of his attempts have failed, but a pedofile never stops on his own. He is a sick person and he can get even sicker in his attempts to satisfy his needs. His needs may change if he continues to get away with things.

    I know all too well, that the sexual abuse, even as young as five years old, lays perhaps dormant in the mind, but has already affected the child socially and psychologically. There will come a time when these emotional issues will be affectively found and located in the originating abuse years ago. These kids are not yet teens, and are young, but they can and will remember. What they do with the memory is what torments them. They may not understand what is going on, but inside they will conclude that it was something they should not have done and something that didn't feel right. However, they will keep it inside, feeling guilty and ashamed for having allowed it to happen.

    So again we see certain people coming to his rescue, and the love of his family. This is normal. Even criminals have their following. However, if one wants to live free in this society, he must obey the laws. It is one thing to do this to a young adult or an older person, but it is quite something else to be doing it to innocent young boys. Shame on you Michael!! This time you will have to face the music, and it won't be "yours". I don't feel a bit sorry for you either. So what if you were spanked too much, or had to perform on "Q". That is not an excuse. There is no excuse. If you can't control yourself, society will find a way to do it.

    Perhaps your three kids will have the opportunity to be placed in homes that are "normal" and they will have a chance to have a "real" life. I feel so sorry for them, as anyone can see they are headed for a messed up life as they grow up and become adults. Better to do this now and give them a chance, than to turn our heads again. And Michael, you did this to yourself! There is no big vendetta out here to bring you down. Your career is failing because you are failing. You aren't the first great entertainer with head problems for sure.

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