Tyydyy Reunion Update

by Xena 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Tyydyy is busy with his brother so I thought I would give ya'll a little update....

    They (brother & his wife) stopped by yesterday with tyydyy & his sister who lives here....they are very nice people...seem very genuine you know? I pulled out the photo albums so they could try in fill in the gap of 20 years..weddings...births..and everything inbetween...I have some photos of when tyydyy was about 3 years old and his brother was in them with him....this is the first time his wife has ever seen photos of him at that age....and as they were looking at the photos he looked up and mused that for 20 years he has had no past...somehow that comment struck me as so sad...to have your past stolen like that....it really brings home the nature of the beast we worshiped for so long doesn't it?

    On a happier note they are off to watch bubbles strut her stuff at cheerleading and then heading to visit their other brother in west texas...

    Aren't happy endings nice?

  • LyinEyes

    (((Xena)) what a great hearted person you are. I do that so many times,,,,,I have pictures all over the place not even in albums yet , and I treasure them. But it is sad that there is not more pics of happy times, instead of us all dressed up for meetings or service. There should have been more times of us taking the kids to vacations spots, Xmas' , school events, etc. I too feel so damn cheated out of a normal life not just for me but for my kids as well. It is sad. But I too am working on filling up as many albums as I can of a normal childhood full of all of those things now.

  • Sassy
    .and as they were looking at the photos he looked up and mused that for 20 years he has had no past...somehow that comment struck me as so sad...to have your past stolen like that....it really brings home the nature of the beast we worshiped for so long doesn't it?

    how sad it is indeed. And how many of us can relate. So glad though that at least happy endings like this are possible.

  • Aztec

    Xena, that's so good to hear! Thank you for keeping us updated!


  • nilfun

    Yep, I love happy endings.

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