im sure you'd agree this is soo ironic

by nelly1 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly1

    I am now much much happier....i spent 13 years in that org and was treated like a leper most of the time, i spent 14 years single and then married a brother i met on the net in another country...usa actually then what a freaken nightmare that was...he ignored me and i might as well have married a stone statue....and we wouldnt have known what to do with a woman even if 100 real men showed him.

    I walked away from that mess and now after having been out for over a year i have developed a relationship with the most wonderful man in the world who isnt a witness and as a matter of fact is an athiest but is one of the most loving caring people i have ever met...

    so now in effect im the happiest i have ever been in my life...

    how ironic huh?? and they say there is no life outside the organisation...well i say crap there is more REAL LIFE...and more happiness than living under those horrible conditions where they pay a hell of alot of lip service to the word love ....and absolutely no practical application of it.i now

    i now like alot of others have realised that a loving god could not possibly destroy so many loving people who are not JW.

    its a bunch of crap..i beleive he saves on your individual attitude myself..what is in your heart and the motivation behind what you do.

    anyway i just wanted to say that im one of those ones whos soo happy now that i left and i have a much better life now :)

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I am glad that you have finally managed, despite all the odds, to make a happy and contented life for yourself! Once again, I welcome you to the board.


  • Jesika

    Welcome to the board Nelly,

    I am so glad you found happiness!!!!!!!!!!



  • lovinlife

    Nelly, I am so happy for you! I feel the same way now. I used to live a total horror story when I was a witness. After being out for about 4 yrs, I have never been so happy! Good for you! So glad you found someone new. Sure makes a difference doesn't it!?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yaaaaay, Nellie....welcome to the board! Proving once again....there IS life beyond the Watchtowers...


    Frannie B

  • JamesThomas

    Hey Nell, I'm not going to welcome you to the board as it seems you have been here over a year. Perhaps parts of this thread fell into a time-warp or something.

    i have developed a relationship with the most wonderful man in the world who isnt a witness and as a matter of fact is an athiest but is one of the most loving caring people i have ever met...

    This is an interesting phenomena. Imagine a godless atheist being a kinder and gentler soul than a religious person. Who would have thought? Perhaps the reason for this is that an atheist unencumbered by the cloud of religious beliefs and dogma is free to be with life and appreciate it as it is. j

  • Sassy
    I am now much much happier....i spent 13 years in that org and was treated like a leper most of the time, i spent 14 years single and then married a brother i met on the net in another country...usa actually then what a freaken nightmare that was...he ignored me and i might as well have married a stone statue....and we wouldnt have known what to do with a woman even if 100 real men showed him.

    I walked away from that mess and now after having been out for over a year i have developed a relationship with the most wonderful man in the world who isnt a witness and as a matter of fact is an athiest but is one of the most loving caring people i have ever met...

    so now in effect im the happiest i have ever been in my life...

    wow, are you sure we aren't twins?? because my story is so close to yours that someone could read your story and think you are me and report you to my elders for being on an apostate site....

    oh.. except my 'most wonderful man' isn't athiest, he is Muslim.

    I'm glad you found happiness outside the org.. I know it sure was the best thing for me..

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