Filmmaker’s mission to turn camera on religion - "Blood"

by OrphanCrow 5 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • OrphanCrow

    Filmmaker’s mission to turn camera on religion

    Standing outside a former Kingdom Hall in Old South, Alex Riker reflects for a minute on all he’s gone through since walking away from the Jehovah’s Witnesses 25 years ago.
    “I’ve not seen a member of my family since,” he said. “As a 19 year old, and before the dawn of the Internet, I was completely alone. But I got out of it and I never had the urge to go back.”
    Now, Riker has made it his mission to take one of the religion’s most controversial issues with a film project titled simply, Blood.

    Read rest of article here:

    With the prologue currently making the rounds on YouTube, the crew is geared up for auditions in March, while production is scheduled to begin in November with several scenes to be shot in London.
  • Vidiot

    So we have the puff piece Knocking, which was indirectly funded by the WTS...


    ...and on the other hand, at least three independently-funded projects that are critical of the Org in various stages of development (one being finished).

    You're falling behind, Watchtower.

  • Vidiot
    Someone should give these guys a heads-up on the connections between the WTS and the profitable "bloodless" med-tech industry.
  • OrphanCrow

    Vidiot...already done.

    Alex knows about all that stuff. His film, though, has been in the works for some time now and deals with the personal struggle of dealing with the blood doctrine. So happy that he is off the ground and running. It will be a good film.


    You're falling behind, Watchtower.

    Not really. You forget about the "independent" films that are made by JWs and financed by them. The newest anti-blood film, "Primum Non Nocere" and "The Name of God". Both WT films.

    The Watchtower has simply removed themselves from the spotlight - they are still churning out the propaganda.

  • Vidiot

    OrphanCrow - "...already done."



    Maybe the subject of a follow-up project, then...

    ...I assume they know you're the one to talk to(?)

  • OrphanCrow
    vidiot: ...I assume they know you're the one to talk to(?)

    I know Alex


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