Is the WT changing the 1914 teaching now?

by nonjwspouse 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nonjwspouse

    I've been absent from the forum for about 10 months while deep into a divorce and working long hours.I heard mention in another thread about a change in 1914. Is this actually being taught? I'm very curious.

    A extended non jw family member of my soon to be ex spouse finally decided to really do the deep investigation on the JW, and is in the phase of wanting to "ask the direct questions" and inform them of the facts of the JWs. Of course this is causing major rifts. I'm trying to slow this down for the sake of family harmony. It is a close family that would devastate them if "forced" to estrange or shun.

    I am thankful that even though I am divorcing their son, his parents ( some JW some not) and other family members are treating me good, like they have always done.

    The teaching of 1914 was one of the topics I tried to "discuss" with my soon to be ex, many years ago. Of course he would parrot, or ignore. He had no understanding of what was being taught, ( who does?!)

    I knew in my own predictions about this organization that 1914 had to be changed eventually. I wondered how they would do it.

    It's nice to see the familiar names here still generously helping others. :-)

  • DesirousOfChange

    I know of no "official" change, however the date does not seem to be mentioned as frequently. Any recent mention of 1914 seems to be a "matter of fact" statement that it marked the beginning of the Last Days.

    Do you know why they call them the Last Days(™)? Because they last and they last and they last and........

  • nonjwspouse

    Hmmm, DOC, the lack of mentioning seems to have been a first step in the past for other changes.

    I apologize for my horrid spelling in the title! Optical migraines SUCK ( the reason I am home instead of work right now)

  • IWant2Leave

    In the "Silver Sword", the 2013 revised New World translation, appendix B1, page 1767,it now states that Satan was hurled to the earth by Jesus 'about 1914'. So it certainly could be that a change is slowly taking place?

    We'll have to wait and see! The answer is right around the corner, in the last of the last days, wrapped up in the overlapping generations. So don't give up!

  • Funky

    Nope, no change yet.

    Eventually they'll have to change it of course.

    They used to say (in the 19th century) that the "last days" began in 1799. They didn't change it until - when, exactly? 1930's? 1940s? Anyway, when it got too embarrassing to keep pointing to a date 140+ years in the past as "last days", they changed it to 1914.

    So in maybe 20 or 30 years they'll change 1914 to something else.

    Heck, maybe they'll eventually say "the last days" started in 2020! They'd have the "pestilence" part down, anyways.

  • HiddenPimo
  • mickbobcat

    As with most of the cults failed predictions they don't as much change many of them they more just quietly drop them. They can not change 1914 as if that falls the domino's end up with the GB is not gods chosen group. They can not have that.

  • Jeffro

    Changes to their generation definition have been made over the last 25 years to reduce their dependence on the ‘short time’ since 1914. But there has been no recent formal change to the 1914 doctrine as the start of the kingdom which is still required as a basis for their supposed selection in 1919. If anything, they’ve doubled down on it. I’ve covered various aspects of this in my review of their Pure Worship book, particularly chapters 8 to 12, 16 and 20.

  • Phizzy

    " They can not change 1914 as if that falls the domino's end up with the GB is not gods chosen group. They can not have that." < THIS !!

    But for many a year they have changed the way they present it, and the corollary Doctrine of the 1919 choosing of them as god's org.

    Both are now presented as a "given", with no real explanation, or attempt to back them up from Scripture in any way that is really pertinent. Just some Scripture that mentions some sort of "End Time" idea. A WT came out around 2012 if memory serves, "explaining" 1914/19 but that just obfuscated the whole thing even more. Since then, it went back to being a "given".

    I know this troubled some a bit that were converts late on in my membership, that they did not really understand the 1914/19 thing, but they were by that time too enmeshed, and Mind Controlled, to go back and question it.

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