Born Again Theology

by messenger 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    What is the differance between a jw and a born again (ba)??
    They both think god is with them, that everyone else is going to be destroyed, if they don't go to church, god will kill them and they both have the glazed over eyes with the silly assed smile of being superior to everyone who is not one of them.

    Are they really asking us to believe this is the best deal god could come up with? Either god is not very smart or somehow a used car salesman managed to get control of the universe.

    Perhaps this is the real plan of salvation, to learn to think and be saved from associating with these bible hugging dipsticks.

    Can I get a amen and a thank-you jesus!

  • Scorpion

    I agree with half of your plan of salvation. The half I agree with is thinking for yourself.

    I associate with people that believe the Bible is inerrant, I do not believe this. Many of these people are very good friends of mine and we have discussions at times about the Bible. I have association with JWs that are starting to think for themselves and are questioning the WTBTS and some of what the WT teaches. If I quit associating with ones like this because they still believe the Bible to be Gods word, I think I would be doing them a diservice by not being there when they needed someone to talk to that understands where they are coming from.

    No amen in this corner!

  • larc

    I think there is one difference between the born again types and the JWs. The born agains do seem to have a close, special feeling towards God. I think that for the JWs the relationship his more distant. They have to go through their organization, and they rarely if ever talk about a close, personal relationship with God.

  • crossroads

    For one B.A. have NOBODY BETWEEN them and the
    Lord. They only use the bible and they do not bow
    down to a publihing co. and follow it's every whim.
    They actually help people in need instead of saying
    you'll have to wait on the god of the old testament to
    fix your problem.And actually an individual JW does
    not feel god is with them they feel he is with the org.
    B.A. do not scare people into the "sky is falling".
    They do not believe in any one true religion just
    that you need to experience being born again like
    JESUS said in the bible.That differs greatly from
    following the writings of Franz and other cronies at
    the tower.I have not seem anything about going to church as a must for being saved as a B.A. All you need is to
    believe that the Lord was here HE died and was Resurected.
    And to let his light shine through you by showing love to the
    least of HIS brothers.Thats just a few and it's getting late.
    Peace and Love

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