a movie for the JWs: Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back

by Oxnard Hamster 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    You're probably wondering: What in blazes does Pokemon have to do with JWs?

    In Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back, there is a great line that applies to a lot of people, especially JWs. Here's a quick summary: Mewtwo was created by scientists to become the most powerful pokemon ever. However, he quickly learned that the people who created cared nothing for him, so he went on a rampage, destroying the lab. He later clones pokemon and forces his clones to fight the real versions. However, Meowth and his clone refuse to fight. Meowth is the only pokemon that can speak human talk. He and his clone have a dialogue, which ends when Meowth reflects "Hey, you're right. We do have a lot in commmon. Same earth, same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different...well, who knows?"

    I'll leave it to you to interpret that. It's a kids show, but the themes are very real. One of the joys of being an English major.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    It was on again today, and I noticed something else as I watched it. Mewtwo could be seen as a methaphor for the JWs. He sees the world as black and white; all humans are evil, and therefore must be killed. That's sort of like how the JWs believe every non JW will be destroyed at Armageddon, and that they are the only ones doing God's will.

  • yxl1

    You need to get out more

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Um, how is this any different from all the people who do in depth research on the JWs just so they can critique them? Or the people who do scientific research just so they can disprove the Bible?

    So only science and philosophy are the two disciplines that have any real value? So analyzing a work of literature, a movie, a play, etc. is a waste of time?

  • sens

    jw dont like pokemon....same as the smurfs...because apparently pokemon means little monster or some crap and satan is the original monster etc etc yaya ...god they are stupid

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Yeah. It pisses me off to no end how people are just like "Durhrhrhrhr Pokemon. It's just Satanic. Oh, it's just a kids show. It's just to make money."

    Well duh. A lot of things are produced just to make money.

    Actually, Shakespeare only wrote plays to make money. My professors call him a hack writer, one that sticks to a formula and churns out work. The reason he's so popular is because his plays are so well written and his characters are so well developed. He was just a talented writer.

    With that said, I don't see why modern TV shows and movies can't be critically analyzed.

  • sens

    i dont know ox...i think pikachu is cute...i have one

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I was hooked on it awhile ago. The RPGs - which game out prior to the anime- for the Game Boy are actually pretty good, although I'll admit the craze got out of hand with the card game.

  • Enishi

    I'm not particularily interested in pokemon, but I do like anime. Some of my favorite ficitonal sotires have been anime.

    I've witnessed the dubs silly terror of pokemon as well. Back when the witnesses.net site was still up, there was a long thread where several dubs said they thought pikachu was demonic. I can even remember a post where someone named LilBarb (married to BigRay, who I believe has been mentioned on here several times), compared pokemon to the telletubbies, and said that some girl at work told her the telletubies were actually chanting african spells.

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