JW mentioned in latest Newsweek

by rocketman 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    The November 10 issue of Newsweek contains a cover article entitled "God And Health - Is Religion Good Medicine? Why Science Is Starting To Believe"

    The article mentions, on page 50:

    "Dr. Suki Tepperberg, a family physician in Dorchester, Mass., has concerns about people who put too much faith in God's will. One of her patients, a Jehovah's Witness who has diabetes and hypertension, believes her illness is in God's hands and sometimes eats destructively, harming her health. Tepperberg is worried that, while this woman could take better care of herself, "she believes God really is the ultimate decision-maker".

    I'll try linking to the article here:


    Sometimes the hyperlinky-dinky doesn't seem to work right.

  • rocketman

    Didn't work. Try www.newsweek.com

    Incidentally, I don't think that this jw's case is necessarily indicative of what the whole religion teaches in such matters. I'd venture that most jws would choose to take better care of themselves and not just turn it all over to God. This seems to me to be a somewhat isolated instance of a patient depending a bit too much on God.

  • Shutterbug
    This seems to me to be a somewhat isolated instance of a patient depending a bit too much on God.

    Prior to 1975 this sort of behavior was fairly common. As I've pointed out here before, I have the best teeth money can buy as a result of stupidly buying into the 1975 hype. Bug

  • Sentinel

    Thanks for the site, Rocketman: It brought back some memories of days gone by. In our old congregation, much ephasis was placed upon taking care of the physical body, eating right, and getting lots of exercise (door to door ministry highly recommended ). Lots of friends were taking all sorts of extra vitamens and minerals, mostly because we had some families that sold these things (AMWAY) so they could Pioneer, etc.

    However, I did hear of some instances where someone should or could have had surgery to correct a physical problem, but they opted to wait, as Armageddon was just around the corner.

    However, emotional issues were handled altogether differently. Unfortunately, in a negative and judgmental way. There were several cases of complete nervous breakdowns. One was an elder. I often wonder what has happened to them.

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