Newsweek-Is Faith Good Medicine?

by Wolfy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfy

    I have often heard that a persons belief in god has helped them recover from a serious illness. I have also heard JW's say god was punishing them for some wrong they have done.I think it's possible that the mind can play a part in the healing process. Belief in god may have an effect but I feel some people go way to far.

    Here's a link---


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    I think it's possible that the mind can play a part in the healing process.

    well said

    whereabouts you from wolfy, i am originally from Niagara Falls, Ontario, now in Alberta.

  • Navigator

    There is a whole new realm of medical practice called Psyco-neuro-Immunology based on the demonstated fact that our belief system and emotional state influences our immune systems. Our bodies are capable of producing drugs far more powerful than anything the pharmaceutical industry can turn out. How do you think placebos work? Placeboes (sugar pills) work about 30% of the time and is the standard against which new proposed drugs are measured. There are documented cases of patients being healed with injections of distilled water when they were told by the physician that the water was a powerful new experimental drug found to be very successful in the treatment of whatever ails them. The ancient greeks referred to the mind as both healer and slayer. Nothing has changed.

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