Research on Feminism

by Maverick 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Dear Friends: My daughter has a college research paper she has to do on Feminism. How it started in the 1960's to how it has changed today. Can anyone help us find out some facts about this?

    I tell her how much I enjoy the women on the JWD because they are tough like her. So, if you have any information please share it. Don't let me look bad to my baby girl! Thanks, Maverick

    Her E-mail address is [email protected]

  • joannadandy
    How it started in the 1960's

    First of all it's been around a lot longer than that...

    Honestly I would do a search on the internet. There are plenty of great books, The Bitch is in the House is the first one that comes to mind. If she can get on infotrac and do an expanded academic search (most college libraries use infotrac) I am sure she'll be able to come up with a TON of articles to check out.

    Good luck!

  • logansrun

    Now that you mention it, I honestly have to ask, What is left for feminists in this country to do? Granted, a hundred years ago they couldn't vote and they have won some very important battles. But, what is left in this country for feminists? Seems to me women have absolutely equal rights as men and feminism has accomplished it's goals. Now, it can fold.

    Just a thought.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Hey, Bradley, as long as they get paid less for the same job (and statistics show that they do get paid less than men) you might have trouble selling that one.

  • logansrun

    Okay. I'll buy that.

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