The Bible teaches of the second coming...

by Seven 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Seven

    What everyone else believes:[quote]That Christ is to come a second time was foretold by the prophets and by Christ himself, as well as the apostles and the angelsDan 7:13; Matt 25:31; Acts 3:20; Acts 1:10, 11It is called, among others,time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord,of restitution of all thingsand glorius appearing of the great God and our SaviourTit 2:13;Acts 3:19,21. The time thereof is unknown, but the signs which are to precede it are fully set outMatt 24:36. In his second coming Christ shall appear in the clouds, in his own glory and accompanied by angels
    and his saintsMatt 24:30; Mal 16:27;Matt25:32; II Thess1:8; Matt 24:30; I Thess 4:16; Mark13:36. At his coming the heavens and earth
    shall be dissovled and those who sleep shall rise, they who shall have died in Christ shall rise first, while the saints alive at the time shall be caught up to meet himIIPet 3:10, 12; I Thess 4:16, 17 The purposes of the second coming are to complete the salvation of saints, to be glorified in them, be admired by them that believe, judge the earth and reign over it after bringing to light the hidden things of darknessHeb 9:28, IIThess 1:10; I Cor 4:5; Ps 503,4; Rev20:11-13. The saints being assured of this second coming, love it, look for, await, haste unto, and pray for it. The will therefore be preserved unto it, shall be blameless at it, shall be like him, shall not only see him but shall reign with himJob19:25; II Tim 4:8; Phil 3:20; I Cor 1:7; II Pet 3:12; Matt 24:24; Matt 24:42,44; Phil 1:6; I Cor 1:8; Phil 3:21; I John 3:2; Col 2:4; Dan 7:27.The wicked who scoff at it and presume upon its delay shall be surprised by this second coming and shall be punished while the man of sin is to be destroyed.IIPer 3:3,4; Matt 24:48; Matt 24:37-39; II Thess1:8,9 from research done by G.Sandison


  • waiting

    Hey 7,

    Who is?

    from research done by G.Sandison

    Who is everyone?

    What everyone else believes


  • Seven

    hello waiting, If I knew of a way to delete this entire thread I would. It was dictated to me by a friend who is visiting here with me now. The Everyone referred to is to mean mainstream christians. Sandison is a Bible researcher for World Bible publishers. But what is the point in offering any viewpoint other than the Societys-right? What good does it do to attempt to interpret scripture on your own? None at all-right? Better yet, lets just talk about the same old same old that we have read and regurgitated since we were all knee-high to a grasshopper. Yeah, that's the ticket. Simon, please delete this. Thanks, 7

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:38:39

  • waiting

    Well, for Pete's sake, 7, who licked the red off your candy cane? That's a Southern saying, btw. No self-respecting Yankee would say that.

    I justasked a question!

    1. Catholics don't or, at least didn't when I was one believe in this type of Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, it was a safe question as you didn't qualify "everyone."

    2. My ignorance of who G. Sandeson is, or what his works are, is not a discredit to you. Your style of enlightening me was.

    If you wanted to delete your beginning posts, edit,delete, then the word "oops" works well for me. Had to do it more than one occasion. But I must, and it hurts, agree with SS - why? Bit testy, huh?


    Edited by - waiting on 19 July 2000 15:16:4

    Edited by - waiting on 19 July 2000 15:20:8

  • Seven

    waiting, Why? Answer: Because I said so. I realized my error in posting but Miss Phi Beta Kappa spoiled brat doesn't possess the computer skills of an average third grader and therefore was unable to delete the topic myself. My off the wall projection of your response if any will be-Grow up. I'm am. Every day.

  • waiting

    My Lord! My daughter has taken over your spirit!!!

    However, she's a beautiful brunette, unlike Miss Phi Beta Kappa, who is a beautiful blond.

    Unless my ol' memory is failing, again, aren't you the one who showed me how to make those irritating blue lines

    like so?

    And don't you click here and send us all over the place? And didn't you send me to Net Lingo?

    Btw, so you don't think I'm crackin' on you - I turned down two full art scholarships to college - but not because of the society - because of my father.

    So.....when I say "Artists are sooooo tempermental," you'll know I'm ing at you.

    Now, grow up and behave yourself 'cause if you were here right now, I'd pinch you under your arm - and my kids know that hurts and they move fast out of my reach. Twits, all of you.


    Edited by - waiting on 19 July 2000 18:20:54

  • Seven

    waitin', Forum code is very easy. It's Simon that makes us look smart. I couldn't do that html stuff
    if someone held a gun to my head. I learned to click everywhere just so I could look at pictures of cute guys and so I could hang out with way cool Woodstock generation brothers and sisters
    like yourself.

  • Seven

    waiting, I hope you don't wait until your kids put you in a home before you take up art again. There are different programs where I live for autistic children and those with behavior disorders who benefit greatly from art therapy. I volunteer now and then. Maybe you could do the same where you're at. Sounds like the banjo-boy from Deliverance is probably your neighbor.

  • waiting


    I think that's neat that you volunteer with autistic kids. When I first read your post, I thought you were suggesting that I attend an art class for people with autism. I was going to pinch you this time for real. However, I reread it and realized what you were saying - you're safe.

    I have been thinking about going back to college. My husband is supportive but unsure. As long as I stay within my own set boundries, I do ok. He keeps watching my reaction to being on the web - communicating. I, on occasion, can draw really quite well, and on others, zip. Absolutely can't. I'm pretty sure that drawing is a strong trigger for me. Too close to how I was when I was young. I can draw flowers wonderfully - but I don't go farther than that.

    But I never thought about being around children - just helping. Neat thought. Thanks. I'll check around.

    I'm glad to see that little Miss Phi Betta Kappa is her old self. I have one snippy daughter already, thank you. Btw, she's really neat - you'd like her, I'm sure. At least after you two established your territorial boundries. She gets irritated when I tell people she works with that she's still a snot. She stomps her foot at me - and I say "See there! Only a snot stomps her foot at 29 years old!" She's my favorite daughter, which when I tell her that, she responds: "I'm your only daughter, mom." And I tell her: "See there! You're my favorite by default!" Much eye rolling.

    Your mom loves you, you know that, don't you? Perhaps as a little more distance is achieved through age, you can draw closer. I didn't really care for my daughter until after she turned 25. She was soooo conceited! She's mellowed, thank the Lord.


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