Australian media and George Bush/Transcript.

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    For anyone who is interested.

    Interview: George W Bush
    October 19, 2003
    Reporter : Laurie Oakes

    It's not often that the President of the United States grants an interview to the foreign media, but ahead of his trip to Asia and Australia this week, George W Bush sat down for one-on-one interviews with media representatives from the various countries he is going to visit. One of those to score an interview with President Bush was Sunday's political editor, Laurie Oakes. The President thanked the Australian people for their support for the war against Iraq and said, despite media reports, that the US was making great progress in Iraq.


    JANA WENDT: The President of the United States doesn't often give interviews to the foreign media. But ahead of his trip to Asia and Australia this week, George W Bush sat down for one-on-one interviews with media representatives from the countries he'll be visiting. One of those he talked with was Sunday's political editor, Laurie Oakes.

    UNITED STATES PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: There's a good man. I'd get up, but I'm just as tired as I can be.

    LAURIE OAKES: And you're probably tied down by all the cables and things.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Not at all. Come on down. Sid?down. How are you?

    LAURIE OAKES: Not too bad.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Thanks for coming. You ready? Good, let her rip.

    LAURIE OAKES: Mr President, thanks for speaking to us. What's the main purpose of your trip to Australia? Are you hoping for a greater Australian contribution to the stabilisation and rebuilding of Iraq?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: No. Main purpose is to thank the people of Australia, and thank my friend John Howard for being strong in the face of terror, and being understanding that we have a historic opportunity to bring peace and freedom to parts of the world that need peace and freedom.

    It really is the main purpose. Australia's a great country. I would define our relationship as a unique relationship. And I'm looking forward to ? I've never been there. They tell me it's kind of like Texas, which is another reason I want to go.

    LAURIE OAKES: I think that's right. But not everyone agrees ? in Australia ? agrees with you on the war. Some members of the Opposition are talking about possibly protesting when you address the Parliament by wearing white armbands or turning their backs. Would that concern you?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Not at all. No. It means that democracy's alive and well. It's ? I don't expect everybody to agree with us. But one thing's for certain, the ? the Prime Minister is strong, and the Australian military performed brilliantly ? I mean brilliantly.

    And I've talked to a lot of our generals and commanders about how the Australians participated. They were just ? a-plus was the rating, so ? and I think a lot of people would like to hear that from the American President. I'm going to tell 'em. And if somebody feels like they want to ? you know, express discontent, that's okay. I mean, that's democracy.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: They're wrong. We're making great progress. And in Iraq we've got a pretty steep hill to climb. After all, one, we're facing a bunch of terrorists who can't stand freedom. These thugs were in power for a while. Now they're not going to be in power any more, and they don't like it.

    They're willing to kill innocent people. There are terrorist activities ? we'd rather fight 'em there than here. And secondly that life is ? is pretty darn good compared to what it was under Saddam Hussein. People aren't going to be tortured, they're not going to be raped, they're not going to be mutilated, there are not going to be mass graves.

    And plus the infrastructure's improving. I talked to our Secretary of Commerce today. There's exactly ? he's in Baghdad. He said, "Look", he said, "Mr President", he said, "You're not going to be believe the world here is a lot different than some in America think it is".

    There's a burgeoning marketplace, he'd met with women business owners. I mean, there's an excitement there about a free society emerging. And it's in our interests that the society be free.

    LAURIE OAKES: So there are two Australian citizens being held at Guantanemo Bay.


    LAURIE OAKES: What's going to happen to them, and what do you say to people in Australia who think they should be either charged or released?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, we'll be glad to work with the Government on the issue, and if John wants to discuss it, I'm more than happy to discuss it. We're working with a variety of countries that have got people in Guantanemo Bay. These were people picked up on the battlefield. We're trying to learn more about them to make sure we fully understand ...

    LAURIE OAKES: Are they being tortured?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: No, of course not. We don't torture people in America. And people who make that claim just don't know anything about our country.

    LAURIE OAKES: Another issue between the two countries is the possibility of a free trade agreement.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, sir.

    LAURIE OAKES: Do you think you'll get it, and will you use the visit to push it along?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes. I told John that we'd like to get a free trade agreement done by the end of this year. I think this is a good opportunity to say that again, and he and I won't going to sit down and negotiate the fine points. That's why we've got fine staffs to do, but at our level we can encourage the negotiators to move along, to just get it done. Let's resolve our differences. Australia's an important friend, an important economy, and I think trade is in our national interests.

    LAURIE OAKES: Australians have spent this week at memorial ...


    LAURIE OAKES: ... services for the victims of the Bali bombing. Can you hold out any hope to them that this may end ? that the war on terror is actually getting somewhere?

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Yeah, Hambali's no longer a problem. He's the guy that organised the Bali bombing. He won't be bombing anybody any more. That's a positive step. I first of all ? I understand what it means to be in a country that grieves over the senseless death of innocent life, and the Australians suffered a mighty blow. And the ? matter of fact the other day I was in Kentucky doing a little politics for a guy running for governor, and a fine looking couple walked up, a mom and dad, and said, "You've got to know our daughter died in Bali".

    And tears in his eyes, and ? and you know, I gave him a big hug, and he said, "Mr President, whatever you do, don't stop". So that nothing happen again. The best way to deal with terror is to be on the offensive, and to find these people and bring 'em to justice.

    That's why Australia's such an important partner. Equal partner in the war on terror. John Howard gets it. He understands. The Prime Minister knows that we've got to be tough. And at the same time create the conditions where there's an alternative to terrorism, and that is freedom. And peace.

    LAURIE OAKES: One final question.


    LAURIE OAKES: You're in trouble politically if you believe the polls.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Why do you say that?

    LAURIE OAKES: Well, the polls show you're dropping in popularity. I was going to ask ...

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, actually there was a poll that showed me going up yesterday. Not to be on the defensive, but ...

    LAURIE OAKES: Well, I was going to ask why do you think you and Tony Blair seem to have lost support, but John Howard hasn't.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, it must be his charisma. [Laughs] I don't know. Actually, I'm in pretty good shape politically. I really am. I didn't mean to sound defensive. I am. There's a ? and ? you know, I ? politicians, by the way, who pay attention to polls are doomed, if you're kind of chasing ? trying to chase opinion.

    What you need is lead, and set the tone. And I've taken some tough decisions, and I will look forward to making the case that the decisions I have taken will make America more secure. Make the world more peaceful. And make this country more prosperous. So I'm upbeat about it. And as to why Howard is maintaining his popularity, and his ? you know, he married well, and he's smart.

    LAURIE OAKES: Sir, thank you, and I look forward to seeing you ...

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes sir.

    LAURIE OAKES: ... in Australia.

    PRESIDENT BUSH: Looking forward to it. Thanks.

    JANA WENDT: George W Bush there with Laurie Oakes.

    Transcript produced by Media Monitors


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