Does sex abuse really run in families?

by neverthere 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • neverthere

    My son was sexually abused by his father, I stopped all visitation by the time my son was 5 (the very same day I found out, he never saw my son again). My ex was raised JW, his brother sexually abused his daughter and spent alot of time with my ex when he was growing up (they are quite a bit apart in age, but used to take him on trips with his family).

    We are going through adoption now, my ex has yet to be informed of this, but I am soo afraid that when it all comes out that my ex will contest.

    Time is drawing nearer and I am worried about the damage that my ex did to my son. He seems to have repressed almost all of the memories. I am worried about what this might do to him as he grows up.

    Just ranting, sorry,


  • Hamas

    Ranting is very important for all of us, no need to apologise

    I'm sorry you have to go through this.... I really hope you get to live in peace sometime soon.

    Stay strong, my friend.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I think your fears and question are valid. We hear a lot about abuse running in families and the idea that victims become abusers.

    Well yes there is a proven inter-generational transmission of abuse. That has been well documented. It occurs when one family member preys on another. Both learn this as a way of life. The victim grows up and feels most comfortable with a way of life that is familar - dysfunctional. They wind up being involved with someone else who came from a dysfunctional family. Together they create another dysfunctional family and often their children become victims who grow up and repeat the pattern.

    There are two things required to break the chain. Remove yourself from the dysfunctional family system and get counseling to make sure you don't get back in another one and undo the damage done.

    Well you have taken your child out of the situation and are providing a safe home. That is the one step. The second step is harder.

    Even though your child may not talk about what happened (and he probably won't) it often comes out in their play. Therapists working with child victims often use play therapy to help these young children express how they feel about what happened to them and help them to overcome any long-term effects.

    I would suggest you watch him closely while he is playing. See what comes out. If it sounds healthy. At his age he will be experimentling with "playing doctor". You will have to have nerves of steel if you catch him. Let him know his interest is normal but he can ask if he wants to know the differences. Also watch that if he is playing doctor that it is simply "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". Any thing that involves overt sexual acts that a small child would not know about unless they had been exposed to sexual acts are major signals that it does indeed affect him.

    I would certainly recommend talking to a professional who deals with child victims

    And it is a myth that all victims become abusers. Look at the number of survivors here alone who have grown up to protect and defend children. It is true that some do become abusers but I suspect it is the minority. Teaching children that power is something within them and not something taken from others is an excellent way to help a child grow into a responsible caring adult.

  • freedom96

    We know right and wrong, and I believe that as adults, we can make good decisions. And people can make bad decisions. There are many excuses about having a bad childhood and therefore thinking that lets one get away with a lot. Though much is learned from experiences, we can and must make good decisions in our life.

    Treating those around us with love and understanding, and teaching right and wrong goes a long way.

    I really believe that as rotton as some of our childhoods were, we can make a difference now. We can only control ourselves, and we can choose to be good outstanding human beings.

  • mizpah

    It is hard to understand how a parent who was sexually abused would become an abuser. One would think that the parent would be so appalled by what happened that the parent would be more determined to protect one's own children. I know we often hear that "most abusers were abused themselves." But I also know that every adult has the capacity to make decisions of right and wrong.

  • wednesday

    Some abused persons do abuse others. We feel sorry for them as children, but forget what the abuse can do to your mind and then hate them as adults. It is so important to help any child suspected of being abused, b/c they could grow up and be an abuser. Once they become adults, it is too late, generally. We then can only put them in jail. If only we could stop the horrible cycle of events.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Yes it does untill someone says: I can smell it and it really stinks, and I want it thrown out.

  • morty


    I am so sorry that your child had to endure this pain....It just does not seem fair sometimes in this world....WE has the parents, have to do what we can to protect our kids and if we lost that control for a brief moment, because we thought the other parent was as loving as us, then you cannot take on that fault...You did not relise this was happening, and when you did, you took charge right away...This shows your love for your child....all you can do now is, Make sure that he/she gets that correct counselling that they need right away... IMO that only the ones with experience(therapists) dealing with children in this sorrowful situation should and will offer you/them some help....You has the parent though, need to take these steps, and get the channel of help that they need asap....Otherwise, if it is burried and not dealt with right away, I feel, thats when kids that are abused as children, carrry this learned behaviour on with them into adulthood and the visious circle continues....


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