HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WATCHTOWER, annual October (2003) review,

by run dont walk 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    so it is October 2003, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 90 years after the famous October 1914 (generation) / (Armageddon by Russell).

    What could we buy the Watchtower for this 90th anniversary ???

    Not to beat a dead horse, but .......

    I find it amusing, being a little kid in the 70's, all I remember hearing about 1975, was that the Watchtower never said that, and some JW's were being VERY overzealous. I bought it at the time, after reading Watchtowers from 1968-1974, you realize they DID say that.

    Will the Watchtower try the same stunt (or have they already) with the generation of 1914 will not pass away and say "we never said that."

    You know, I went to many meetings, heard many talks, listened to so many elders, heard Nathan Knorr and Freddie Franz say CLEARLY that "the generation of 1914 will not pass away, those alive at that turning point in history will live to see Armageddon."

    Can't make it any clearer then that.

    We all know, they have changed their tune on the generation saying, but will they now say, we never said that generation would not pass away.

    Well, happy anniversary Watchtower, 90 years of the biggest BS story ever told.

    Amen !

  • czarofmischief

    You said it yourself.

    Give them a dead horse and a cricket bat to beat it with. Spraypaint 1914 on the flank.


  • SanFranciscoJim
    What could we buy the Watchtower for this 90th anniversary ???

    A gift basket from a local food specialty shop.

    It would contain a set of aluminum cookware, a 50 lb bag of miracle wheat, and a 10 lb box of blood sausages.

  • ClassAvenger

    I would give them a Bible. A real Bible.

  • Poztate

    Hi Run Don't Walk,

    I'm afraid I must defend the WT> and Freddie Franz on this issue. At no time did THEY say that this generation would by no means pass away before the battle of Armageddon would be fought.They were simply passing on the PROMISES of JEHOVAH.(see inside cover of all older Awake mags.)

    If now Jehovah wants to extend further mercies to all mankind by delaying his promise who are we to question this loving provision.Indeed we are faithfully serving God for all eternity.If we must serve in this wicked old world for another 5,10 ,20,100 years what a small price to pay as we see more and more brain dead brothers and sisters taking a stand for the truth.

    For their 90 anniversary I suggest a plaque to hang on the wall at the GB that reads..."WE NEVER SAID THAT"

  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole** when i was young i remember the elders coming to my home and telling my dad to quit his job and spend it doing full time service and them telling him that the end is very soon that the year 1975 marks the time of adams death...my dad would argue with them and ask how they knew when adam died..they would go on with numbers and scriptures that made no sense. now that my dad retired those men are still working and a few dropped out of the jw's...they also told my family not to go to college and made a big deal about it my mom went anyways..now she is an rn and kaiser..1982 came by and once again they had facts on the 144,000 and jesus exact day of his death and the end would come again and they came over and told my dad to sell his house..i remember so many idiots selling their homes running up bills thinking they wouldnt have to pay them back because they would be in the new order...then 1985 came and my moms friends where being kick out of bethel and other postions for questioning the org..so then came the big apostate years....when 1995 came and the end has not arrived came the change or new light on the generation thing..my dad laughed so hard at the ignorance they sold to so many fools...2000 came and their 'time of the end' still hasnt arrived we wait to see what new light they have now...***the mole

  • Kenneson

    Of course, they never said that. Have they ever said anything that was truthful?

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